Long Hair (Anxiety x Logic)

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"Your hair is very long." Logan's voice broke the silence between the couple. Despite his efforts to speak quietly it still sounded loud and startling, but it didn't seem to phase Virgil.

"It is." Virgil nodded, not opening his eyes to look at Logan. Logan's gaze flickered over Virgil's face, his eyes closed, lips pulled into a small content smile. His hair came down to nearly cover his closed eyes, and Logan wondered how he could even see with his eyes opened.

"Would you allow me to braid it?" He queried, seeing Virgil slowly open his eyes.

"Braid it?" He repeated, seeing Logan nod. He thought for a moment, thoughtful frown tugging at his lips, and then shrugged. "Sure. If you want to."

Logan smiled at him and nodded, shuffling forward on Virgil's bed. He ran his fingers through his hair first, being careful not to accidentally pull on it. After being sure there were no tangles in his hair he separated it, starting to work on braiding it. He found the repetitive motion relaxing, and in front of him, Virgil seemed to relax more as well. He shifted closer to Logan, sighing as his eyes once again fluttered closed. The room once again fell into a calm quiet, Logan twisting Virgil's hair into a braid until he had run out of hair. Then, he ran his fingers through it to undo the braid, only to begin again.

While some might complain about the quiet, preferring to talk rather than sit in the silence, Virgil and Logan both enjoyed it. It was peaceful, calming, and nice. They didn't get very much quiet around Patton or Roman, and chances to sit in silence and do nothing were rare. It was especially nice to sit in the presence of someone they loved, and even if neither of them said anything they could both tell exactly how the other felt.

Eventually, after braiding and undoing Virgil's hair over and over again, Logan's arms grew tired and he opted to instead wrap them around his boyfriend. He pulled him close, pressing a gentle kiss to the top of his forehead. He still said nothing to break the silence, but Virgil still understood his unspoken 'I love you'. In response, he quietly shifted even closer to Logan, offering him a small content smile. Logan returned the smile, both of them closing their eyes as they enjoyed each other's comforting presence.

Soon enough, the two of them drifted off peacefully in each other's arms, perfectly content.

Sorry the endings not great. I didn't know what to do for the ending and I literally sat here thinking about it forever


Okay so important question here. I know people want some moxiety, and I'm happy to write it but, like... I'm unsure if you guys want platonic moxiety, or romantic? I can write both(probably less of romantic moxiety, just because I'm not a huge fan of the ship in that way), but I want to know what you'd all prefer. Please let me know, and I'll try and write something for it for you guys.

Oh, also... I may be going on a bit of a break. I won't like, disappear off of here completely, but definitely uploading a lot less leading up to Christmas. This week I'm going to be busy making things for people and some of that includes writing, so if I do write it will probably be to work on that, and also I still feel sick and kinda bad mentally(I was doing great, but then I got mad at myself over something stupid), so I'm trying to give myself a little less to work on. And then at some point I'm leaving to go to Florida and visit with family down there, so I'll definitely be on less then. There will definitely be at least two oneshots uploaded on Christmas Day, but before then I don't know how much I'll be on.

I apologize for the break, and I'll still try and update when I can of course, but I need a little more time and probably don't need to be worried about updating. If I do, I'll stay up too late and ruin the sleep schedule I've only just gotten on, and I'm really proud of myself for sleeping better lately.

Anyways, I was really supposed to be asleep an hour ago but couldn't figure out how to end this lol. So, I guess I should be off now. Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed this. *you laugh so hard that you start to cry ring pops from joy*

 *you laugh so hard that you start to cry ring pops from joy*

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Thanks for the suggestion. ^•^ Take care of yourselves. Love you guys. Bye!-Bob

Some advice from Bob: don't... don't try to watch someone play a horror game right before you fall asleep... you all probably are smarter than me and already know this but-just a reminder, bc for some reason I thought it was a great idea and I had awful nightmares earlier lmao

Oh yeah and while writing this I decided to try and braid my hair

Oh yeah and while writing this I decided to try and braid my hair

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Lmao wow I need a haircut

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Lmao wow I need a haircut

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