Hold My Flower (Logic x Morality)

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Requested. This one is amazing omg. I'm sorry it's short!!!!

The four sides were all in Thomas' living room, talking to each other. At some point, Virgil made a joke about himself that wasn't very nice. Patton, of course, immediately frowned.

"What did you just say about yourself?" Patton demanded, crossing his arms and tapping his foot. It was clear he wasn't happy with Virgil talking bad about himself. Virgil simply shrugged, repeating the joke and even telling another one.

"You stop that! No one talks bad about my dark strange son!" Patton raised his voice slightly. Virgil once again ignored his anger. "You take that back, and say one good thing about yourself right now Virgil!"

Virgil said nothing, crossing his arms too and looking away from Patton. Patton frowned more, huffing and shaking his head. He stared at Virgil for a little while longer, waiting for him to say something else. When Virgil finally did open his mouth, it was to insult himself once again.

Patton reached up to take a flower from his hair, handing it over to his boyfriend Logan. "Hold my flower, babe."

"Kick his ass, babe. I've got your flower." Logan took it from him carefully, Virgil backing away as Patton approached him. In the background, Roman had pulled up a chair and some popcorn. He stayed silent, watching from the background as chaos ensued, screams sounding as Virgil ran from Patton.

"You better say something nice about yourself before I catch you!" Patton scolded, Virgil screaming back.

"Okay, okay! Please stop chasing me!"

"Okay, okay! Please stop chasing me!"

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Lmao I'm so sorry if this wasn't good enough? I know you said it's fine but I still feel bad for it being short okay aghh

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Lmao I'm so sorry if this wasn't good enough? I know you said it's fine but I still feel bad for it being short okay aghh

Also I just wanna say about requesting that like, please explain in detail what you want to happen and how you want it to happen. Don't leave everything up to me. Of course, it's fine if there are some things you let me decide on but still try not to make it so that I have to fill in everything. Does that make sense? Am I making sense? Just try to be specific please I can't do really vague requests cause I start worrying that I'm not gonna do it how you want!!

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