Sleep Well (Anxiety x Logic)

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I'm exhausted, so I'm writing about being tired cause why not-

Virgil was exhausted.

It had been a long night, followed by an even longer day. He didn't get any sleep, too busy thinking and worrying. When he did finally manage to doze off for a while it was only two minutes until his alarm went off. The sound startled him so much he couldn't get back to sleep again afterwards.

Annoyed, he made his way to the kitchen for breakfast, only to end up spilling milk from his cereal all over the floor and on himself. After he had managed to change into clean clothes he had gone back out of his room, trying to make an effort to spend time with the others. Then, of course, he had an anxiety attack and had to leave abruptly. Virgil was always exhausted after having an attack, but after the day he had, exhausted was an understatement.

He really didn't want to leave his room for the rest of the day. It sounded much nicer to just stay in his room and hide away from everyone, although he knew it was too early to tell everyone he was going to sleep. They would most likely drag him out of his room if he didn't just go on his own. So, grabbing his headphones Virgil made his way to the living room. He found a spot next to Logan on the couch, nodding at him when he greeted him. Logan seemed to understand he didn't feel like talking, and let him be.

It wasn't long after sitting there that Virgil started getting sleepier and sleepier. The couch was so comfortable, and he was already so tired. Yawning quietly, Virgil felt his phone slip from his hands and land gently on his chest. He started to lean over to one side, quickly jerking back up once he realized what he was doing. Shaking his head at himself Virgil sat up straighter, turning his music up louder to wake him up again.

Only a minute had passed before he began falling to the side again, waking himself back up and repeating this for a few minutes. Logan watched him in silent amusement for a while before deciding to actually do something. He tapped Virgil on the shoulder, Virgil jumped and turning to look at him. Pausing his music he silently raised an eyebrow in question.

"Why not just get some rest? You are very clearly tired." He asked, and Virgil frowned.

"It's only six. I shouldn't be sleeping yet." He shrugged, trying to go back to listening to music. Logan stopped him.

"How much sleep did you get last night?" He questioned, and Virgil sighed.

"Logan, I'm fine-"

"Virgil." Logan cut him off, frowning at Virgil. He asked again, and Virgil rolled his eyes.

"I dunno. Two minutes?" He answered finally, and Logan frowned more.

"Only two minutes? Virgil, that is no where near enough sleep. It would be good for you to get some rest." He informed him, and Virgil sighed yet again.

"Well, I can't ever manage to sleep in my room." He shrugged, and Logan considered this for a moment. Then, without much warning, he wrapped his arms around Virgil to have him lay down against him. Virgil was confused, but didn't protest, mostly due to his sleepiness and the fact that Logan was really warm, and he almost felt like he would fall asleep that second.

"You should at least try to get a little sleep out here, then." Logan spoke, keeping his voice quiet. "Are you comfortable? I can sit on another chair if you would like the couch to yourself."

Virgil shook his head, leaning into Logan contently. He didn't say anything, too tired to properly form words, but Logan didn't make him. He didn't say anything either for a while, considering something. Slowly, he lifted his hand to run his fingers through the anxious traits hair, and if Virgil felt relaxed and comfortable before he definitely felt even more cozy and warm now.

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