Prince (Prince x Anxiety)

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Prompt. Also written to distract myself sorry if it sucks lmao

New message from: Unknown number

Unknown: Prince?

Virgil stared down at his phone quizzically, unsure of how to respond. It was clear that the other had the wrong number. He decided to text them back.

Virgil: who is this

Unknown: Wrong number, my apologies.

Virgil: wait, come back. I'll be your prince

Unknown: Worry not. We shall meet again, in another life.

Virgil laughed to himself at their conversation. It was strange, but he kind of wished he could get to know this person. They seemed funny.

Virgil: I love you

He sent the text jokingly, not expecting another response. When his phone once again went off with a notification he was surprised, and his face flushed as he read it.

Unknown: I love you too, prince.

Neither of them sent anything else, and Virgil assumed that would be the last he saw of the unknown person looking for his prince. It was certainly a strange encounter, but he was sure that they would probably forget and go on with their life.

Months passed, and Virgil almost forgot about the texts himself. That was until he received another text, from the same unknown number.

Unknown: Greetings! So, uh... I know we don't properly know each other, but I'm going through some rough times, and I don't have many people to chat with. I saw our previous messages and just wondered if maybe you wouldn't mind talking? I know I'm a stranger and all, you don't have to respond. I apologize for bothering you.

Virgil wasn't sure what to say for a while. He sat there, staring at his screen and trying to think of something to say. He finally settled on just asking what had happened, hesitantly typing out his message and hitting send.

Virgil: wanna talk about what happened?

When there was no response for another ten minutes, Virgil started to wonder if he had been wrong to ask. He was just about to type out an apology when another message appeared.

Unknown: Remember the prince I texted you about before? Yeah, he was my boyfriend. We broke up.

Virgil: I'm sorry.

Unknown: Not your fault. Don't worry about it. Would you possibly mind helping to distract me? At the moment he is all that I can think about, and... it hurts.

Virgil: yeah, no problem. So, what's your name?

Unknown: Roman. And yours?

Virgil wasted no time in saving Roman's number under his name, smiling slightly to himself.

Virgil: Virgil. Call me Virge.

Roman: Alright, Virge. Cool name.

Virgil: thanks. So, Roman, anything specific you'd like to talk about? We should probably ask some questions to get to know each other better.

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