Stargazing (Logic x Prince)

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So, I'm really really sorry this isn't a request and I swear I'm working on them, but I needed something really short to write to distract me from an anxiety attack and I know that it's probably not going to be too great so I didn't wanna work on a request in case it was awful and the person who asked for it hated it. Anyways, I promise I'll try to get them done soon, but for now have this

Also this is very unrelated, but I am considering writing something for Pen your Pride, the Wattpad thingy for pride month. If I wrote a story with some of my own original characters would anyone be interested in reading it?

Roman smiled as he glanced down at his hand that was currently linked with Logan's, the both of them walking outside. Roman swung their hands, looking up again at Logan and flashing a grin as he looked back. Logan smiled as well, just barely there. He glanced away with flushed cheeks, but he had already been caught. Roman just smiled wider, the two of them continuing to walk and making their way up the small hill the two of them often sat on.

Roman laid out the blanket he had carried up with him, Logan helping him to straighten it out before the two of them sat down. Roman, missing holding Logan's hand, moved closer to Logan as the two of them laid down, shoulders touching. He was going to take his hand again when Logan beat him to it, not looking at him even as Roman turned to look at him in confusion. He decided to just go with it, smile returning.

It was quiet for a moment as the pair stared up at the night sky. It was a very clear night out and from where they were they could see a lot of stars in the sky. Roman had been the one to find the spot, and he had shown his friend Logan knowing that he loved the stars. Since then the two often spent time at their spot looking at the stars. Roman had to admit though, he spent more time staring at Logan than he did watching the stars.

He simply found it amazing how Logan's eyes seemed to light up when they were out there. He wore a huge smile on his face as he talked, completely focused on the stars above them. Of course, Roman often prompted him to talk about the different constellations in the sky, hearing everything he possibly could about them. He could probably recite everything Logan had told him about different stars and constellations easily, but he would never tire of hearing about them again if it meant he could spend more time with Logan.

That's what the two did again that night. Roman asked him about a specific constellation and Logan told him all of the information he knew about it. They would get off topic sometimes, talking about other things in space and sometimes they would end up simply talking about their lives. They talked for hours on that hilltop, smiling and laughing, and Roman hardly ever glanced away from Logan.

Tonight was one of the times their conversations wandered. They ended up talking about something completely unrelated to stars or space, still talking and laughing and having fun. After a while though, Logan stopped. He turned to look at Roman seriously, catching him staring. Roman tried to ignore his face burning as he waited to see what Logan was going to say, holding his breath.

"Thank you, Roman." Logan said simply, a small smile returning to his face. Roman returned his smile nervously, feeling confused.

"What for...?" He wondered, watching as Logan turned away from him to look back up at the sky.

"I know you don't honestly care that much about stars or space," Logan said, looking back to Roman and shaking his head to cut off his protests. "No, it's fine. I know you come up here with me because I enjoy it, and I just wanted to thank you. You are a good friend."

"I do like the stars, though," Roman said, looking back up at the stars as Logan watched him. "Yes, I come up here with you because you're my friend and I like seeing you happy, and it's true that I never really noticed the stars before, but... well, my view on stars has changed entirely since we first came up here."

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