Accidental Break-In (Prince x Anxiety)

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I swear I'm trying my best to get things done for you guys I have so many unfinished drafts it's just really hard to stay motivated rn and I'm stressed cause we're moving pls don't be mad at me-

(Also this is an au where roman is a superhero just go with it)

Roman jumped from rooftop to rooftop, gasping for breath as he ran. The villain he had been trying to defeat was not far behind, and he couldn't run for much longer. He knew that if he slowed down they would catch up with him, and he couldn't risk that just yet.

His eyes scanned over the buildings in front of him, searching for somewhere he could go. He just needed to catch his breath for a minute-then he would come back, defeat the villain, and celebrate his victory with a nice long nap. He just needed some place to hide.

Roman suddenly realized he was getting close to his apartment building. Having an incredibly risky idea, he once again scanned the area for a way to pull it off. Finding what he was looking for Roman silently prayed that it would work, taking a huge breath in as he made his feet move the slightest bit faster.

The next building he had to jump to-his apartment building-was much lower down than the one he was currently running on. He made his way over to it quickly, jumping from the roof and hoping that it looked convincing enough. Instead of landing on the building ahead of him, like he tried to make it look like, he instead dropped down to the fire escape on the side of the taller building. He backed himself flat against the wall, throwing a hand over his mouth so he wouldn't breathe and risk being heard.

He only had to wait a few moments before his assailant passed overhead, landing on the next building just as Roman hoped. He still waited a few more moments, just in case he was figured out and the villain returned. When he didn't see them he finally let himself breathe again, taking in huge puffs of air. He looked towards his apartment building, spotting his own apartment window. He knew it wasn't safe to stay out there, and he hoped he could make it safely into his apartment so that he could hide there for a few minutes.

The two buildings weren't very far apart, so Roman decided to standing on the railings of the fire escape and jump over. He caught the windowsill of the apartment directly across from him, jumping from window to window like that until he made it to his own apartment. He let go of the windowsill with one hand, panicking for a moment as he almost slipped. He grabbed on with both hands again, taking a moment to simply hang there and breathe.

Once he wasn't so freaked out about falling he once again let go with one of his hands, being a lot more careful this time, and used it to slide the window open. He finally pulled himself up, leaning into the window and falling in face first. After collapsing on the kitchen floor he sighed, closing his eyes and breathing in deeply. Finally, he thought to himself. Some time alone.

"What the fuck?" Someone shouted, Roman hearing someone entering the kitchen. His eyes flew open, wondering why the hell someone would be in his house, and soon realizing that this was not his house.

"Oh shit," Roman cursed, jumping to his feet and looking towards the source of the voice. He felt his cheeks flush as he did, taking in the appearance of a man who appeared to be the same age as him standing in the kitchen entryway.

"Oh shit," he mumbled again, thankful that his mask covered most of his face. He tried his best to appear calm and collected, but his mouth opened and closed and he couldn't quite get any words out of his mouth no matter how hard he tried. After a few moments of the other man staring at him in fear he seemed to slowly relax, frowning.

"Wait a second... aren't you that weird superhero guy?" The man squinted at him, looking him up and down. Roman couldn't help but take offense.

"I am not weird! I save people, and defeat the bad guys. I'm awesome!" Roman defended himself, frowning and crossing his arms over his chest. The other man raised an eyebrow at him and scoffed.

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