Pillow Fort (Logic x Anxiety x Morality x Prince)

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"Greetings Patton. Is there something you need?" Roman glanced up at Patton as he rushed into his room, looking excited. Patton nodded at him.

"Yes! I need you to find Logan and Virgil, so we can all build a pillow fort in the living room. Will you do that while I go get the blankets and stuff?" He asked, grinning widely. Roman returned his grin, nodding as he stood up.

"You can count on me, Patton." Roman assured him, leaning in to kiss his cheek. Patton cheered, thanking him and rushing off to get what he needed. Roman kept a grin on his lips as he made his way to the other's rooms, thinking of how adorable Patton was.

Roman, Logan, and Virgil were all gathered in the living room, waiting for Patton to arrive. Logan and Virgil were both confused and curious as to what was going on, as Roman had yet to tell them. He simply told them to wait for Patton to get there, assuring Virgil that it was nothing bad and there was no reason for him to worry.

Patton didn't take long to show up, arms full of blankets, pillows, and movies. He seemed to light up even more upon seeing the three of them there waiting for him, setting the things down on the couch and looking excitedly at them. "Did Roman tell you what we're doing?"

"He said that you would inform us when we got here." Logan answered, watching as Patton bounced excitedly in place.

"We're gonna build a pillow fort!"

"A pillow fort?" Logan repeated. "Why-"

He was cut off by Virgil elbowing him. Virgil smiled at Patton, happy to see him so excited. "Sounds like fun, Pat. Let's get started!"

Logan, not wanting to be elbowed again and also not wanting to ruin Patton's excitement, nodded. "Yes. We are happy to help. Now... how exactly do we do this?"

Patton frowned, and Logan wondered if he had said the wrong thing. "You've never built a pillow fort? Don't worry Logan, we'll show you!" His smile returned immediately after, and Logan breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't want to upset his boyfriend because of his own bad understanding of emotions.

The four of them set to work, Logan and Virgil simply following along with what Roman and Patton were doing. They put chairs into place to hold up the blankets, making sure they'd stay in place. After making a really long fort for all four of them to fit under Patton told the other three to wait while he crawled inside.

"Pass me the pillows I brought!" He called back, holding his arms through the wide gap they left as a door. Logan, being the one nearest to them, picked them up and handed them to Patton, the three of them peering inside as he crawled around. They watched him set down the pillows, arranging them so that they covered the floor beneath the blankets making up the fort. Once he had finished he crawled back out, making sure not to mess up any of what he had just done. "Go on! Get inside, I'll turn on a movie and get the snacks."

He waved them on, and they all crawled in one by one. They turned to face the tv, understanding now why Patton had told them to leave such a large gap there. Patton put the movie in, deciding to start off with his favorite movie, knowing none of the others would mind. Once it started he grabbed the snacks he had brought, joining them inside the pillow fort and offering them to everyone.

Patton grinned happily as he turned to the movie, the hand he wasn't using the eat reaching out to grip tightly onto Roman's hand. He turned to them all. "Thank you guys for doing this with me!"

"It's always fun to spend time with you," Virgil spoke up first, shrugging. He couldn't keep a smile off of his face as he looked at Patton. "To see you happy, we'd do anything."

"Yes! We love you very much, Patton." Roman agreed, kissing his boyfriend on the cheek. Logan nodded, shuffling closer to wrap an arm around Patton in a hug.

"Yes. We all enjoy our time with you, love." He smiled slightly, surprised when Patton turned to fully hug him. He held Logan close, and Logan returned his hug better than before. Virgil and Roman both joined in, the three of them ending up cuddling together. After sharing their I love you's again their attention was brought back to the movie as Patton excitedly pointed out it was started.

They all held each other close, smiles on their lips as they watched it together. They all silently decided that they needed to build pillow forts more often.

I've decided I'm going to build a pillow fort to hide in and watch movies or read fanfiction or something

But like, tomorrow cause it's nearly 8 and I haven't slept and I'm exhausted. I mainly stayed up just bc I felt like I had to finish this. And also bc I hate saying goodbye to my friends bc I never wanna stop talking to them honestly

Soooooooooo maybe I'll actually get some sleep now we'll see. Also wow okay I've written 4 oneshots today that's a lot. Is it annoying that I've been updating that much, or are you happy to have more to read? Hopefully happy. Also I realized I haven't written any logicality yet, don't worry, I'll do that soon.

Oh also one more thing regarding request. Please don't ask me to weir for any kind of mental disorder, or something like that. If I don't know what it is, I won't be able to write it well and I feel like 1. It wouldn't be well written or accurate and 2. Because it's not accurate I could upset someone who actually has whatever it is I'm writing about. I just wouldn't want to offend anybody, so just, don't request those things please.

Anyways, thank you guys for reading, hope you enjoyed this. *you think there is something in your closet so you go check and when you open it there is a mountain of ring pops*

 *you think there is something in your closet so you go check and when you open it there is a mountain of ring pops*

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Take care of yourselves. Love you guys. Bye!-Bob

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