Drunk Doodles (Logic x Prince)

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Vampire AU cause I found a cute prompt for it. And yes I made them look a bit different in this(mostly Logan). Also I apologize for not being on much aha, I've been.... very unmotivated lately. You can all blame depression for that

It was early morning when Logan had found Roman, empty bottles on the table beside of the couch he was slumped against. He glanced up at Logan as he took in the unusually disheveled appearance of the vampire, not seeming to care that the other was seeing him like this.

Logan had questions, but he also knew it was unlikely he would get any answers any time soon. So instead he took the bottle offered to him and decided to sit with his quiet roommate, deciding to wait until the answers came unprompted.

He wasn't entirely sure how he had ended up just as drunk as Roman, lying on the dirty floor of the apartment he would never think to touch normally, but at the time it hadn't seemed important. All he wanted was to get to the bottom of Roman's current problem. He had known that something was troubling him, but questioning Roman on things only ever seemed to end in them arguing, so Logan learned to stay quiet until his moods ended or he confided in Logan on his own. However in his current state Logan figured that he may be a little more open to discussing things. He was about to ask the question on his mind when Roman spoke up for him.

"Does it ever.... bother you?" He asked, staring at the ceiling and tapping his fingers against the bottle loosely held in his hands. "How we are now?"

"You mean, being vampires?" Logan questioned, glancing towards where Roman was laying. Roman paused for a second, staring at the ceiling a few moments longer as if contemplating and then nodding his head.

"Yes," he sighed. "Being a vampire. Do certain things about it ever bother you?"

"What kind of things?" Logan asked calmly, still watching Roman. He noticed the sheet covering the window letting in a bit of light and wondered how long they had been sitting in silence before now.

"I don't know," Roman huffed. He did know; he just wasn't sure whether to say or not. Eventually he sighed again and spoke, softer now. "I guess..."

His next words were too soft for Logan to understand. Logan carefully requested for him to repeat himself, not fully expecting the frustrated response.

"I'm never going to see what I look like again," he snapped, looking annoyed. He glanced at Logan who hadn't stopped watching him, anger melting and embarrassment taking its place. "It's just... I hadn't really noticed it before, but..."

Roman took a minute to continue, and Logan didn't push him. Instead, he shuffled wordlessly over on the floor so their shoulders were touching, averting his gaze from Roman to the ceiling. Roman glanced at him for a moment before also looking back up, seeming to relax next to Logan. He opened his mouth to speak once more, voice still soft but audible.

"I forgot what I look like. I hadn't really thought about it for so long... it just started to seem normal that I didn't show up in mirrors so I stopped looking. It only just occurred to me that I hadn't thought about it in so long I couldn't remember my own face. It's... weird. Scary." Roman admitted, and when Logan felt his hands nervously gripping his shirt next to him he made a split second decision to take ahold of it. His face burned when he saw Roman turn to him out of the corner of his eye, clearly questioning, but he kept his gaze up. After a moment he felt Romans hand return his loose grip, feeling relieved.

"I... can understand that." Logan agreed. He had forgotten his own face long before; he was a little older than Roman despite them both having turned at the same age. Getting used to living the way they do, even after hundreds of years, was difficult. "It is... very strange. I was scared, too."

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