It's Cold (Prince x Morality)

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I got this from a prompt, which I now can't find bc my stupid app reloaded, but uh yeah I'm unoriginal

Roman yawned as quietly as possible, not wanting to break the silence that had fallen in his room as he pulled on his pajamas. It had been a long and eventful day, and while it had not at all been a bad one the Prince was very happy to have such a quiet and peaceful night to himself. He had just finally gotten settled into bed, blankets tucked up to his chin and eyes closed when the knock on his door startled him.

"Who is it?" He called, trying and failing to keep the sleepiness out of his voice. Only a second later the door was slowly cracked open, the worried face of Patton peering at him with a nervous smile.

"Hey, Roman.." He greeted, stepping inside when Roman waved for him to do so. He looked down at his feet for a moment, thinking before he spoke up again. "Uh.. I was just wondering if, maybe you'd, um... it's really cold in my room, I was wondering if I could stay in here with you?"

It took a few moments for Roman's tired mind to register what had been asked of him. Once he did, however, Roman was quick to move over to one side of his bed, making room for his friend. "Of course you can," Roman smiled, patting the space beside of him. Patton grinned back, shuffling over to the bed and climbing in next to Roman.

After Patton had gotten settled on the bed Roman let his eyes fall shut once more, now ready to drift off into sleep. He was not expecting it when an arm slung around him and a body was pulled nearly on top of him. Jumping and opening his eyes to find Patton nervously smiling at him, Roman relaxed and smiled back. Instead of saying anything about it he kept his own nervousness at being close to the other side hidden, hesitantly wrapping his arms around Patton as well and shifting so they would both be comfortable while still cuddled close together.

Sure, he was confused as to why the other side chose to be so close to him, but he chose not to question it. He had mentioned being cold before, so he assumed that was why. Not allowing his mind to dwell on things Roman closed his eyes one final time, this time finally falling straight asleep with the warm and comforting presence of Patton.


Some time had passed since the night Patton came to Roman's room, and the royal assumed it was only going to happen once. He couldn't help but think back to it every now and then though-he had to admit that it was nice to have the one he was secretly pining over so close to him. To hold him in his arms, and wake up next to his smiling face.

The thought put a smile on his face, and he almost forgot where he was. That is, until he was brought back to reality by someone suddenly sitting in his lap, wrapping their arms around his neck and hiding their face in his shoulder. He looked down at the very person he had just been thinking about, cheeks on fire. "Are... are you alright there, Patton?"

"It's cold," Patton mumbled, sending a shiver down Roman's spine as his warm breath hit his neck. He drew in a deep breath, nodding his head slowly.

"Right..." he spoke carefully, looking around to find the others equally as confused as him. "So you decided to sit in my lap?"

"You're warm," he shrugged, and Roman just sighed. He decided to accept that this was the only answer he was getting, and just as he had the night in his room hesitantly returned Patton's embrace. After a few minutes Roman relaxed. If Patton didn't mind, then why should he be so worried over it?

Because you love him, and it will hurt when its over. Because how could he ever love you back? His mind whispered to him, but he was quick to quiet those thoughts. He would enjoy the closeness while it lasted. Roman rested his head on Patton's shoulder just as he was doing to Roman, closing his eyes and listening to the conversation the other sides were having.

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