Silent Treatment (Anxiety x Logic)

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"Hello, Virgil. Are you alright?" Logan asked, walking up to his boyfriend after the events of their most recent video, Moving On Part 2. He didn't receive a response, and noticed Virgil turn his music up louder. Logan frowned. "Is something wrong?"

"I'm not talking to you," Virgil grumbled, not looking at Logan. Logan was confused, and surprised at his hostility.

"Virgil, is this... about earlier? With me leaving you in Patton's room?" Logan questioned cautiously, setting a hand on Virgil's shoulder only to be shrugged off.

"Yes." He said simply, and that was the last thing he said to him before going completely silent.

"Virgil, I told you I wasn't gone completely, and you made it out perfectly fine. I apologize for causing you distress, but I don't think I deserve to be ignored." Virgil said nothing, turning his music up as loud as it would go and pulling his hood up. Logan, eventually, gave up.

Logan expected things to do back to normal the next day, but they did not. He tried to tell Virgil good morning, but he didn't get one back. He asked how he was doing, and was once again ignored. Logan frowned, and put both of his hands on Virgil's shoulders again, trying to get him to meet his eyes. When he finally did, Logan spoke up.

"Virgil, I am sorry. Please do not ignore me any longer." He begged, and Virgil looked lost in thought for a moment. Then, he shrugged, turning around and going back to what he had previously been doing. Logan didn't know what to do, but he couldn't stand his boyfriend not talking to him.

He reached out to stop him, grabbing his arm and spinning him back around. He pulled him into a hug, which was unusual for him as neither of them were huge fans of physical contact, and sighed. "I'm sorry, Virgil. I won't ever leave you alone like that again, please speak to me again. I cannot bare not talking to you."

Virgil was surprised, but after a minute sighed as well and leaned into the hug. He wrapped his arms back around Logan, a small smile forming. "Alright, fine... apology accepted, I guess."

"Thank you," Logan breathed, his relief at Virgil finally speaking to him again obvious. "I... love you, Virgil. I did not mean to hurt you."

"Love you too.." Virgil mumbled, leaning up hesitantly and pausing right before their lips touched. He looked at Logan, who smiled and leaned in the rest of the way, kissing him. They stayed that way a while, until they had to pull away. Virgil rested his head in Logan's shoulder, his breath felt funny on Logan's neck. "Sorry for probably overreacting. really won't ever leave me like that again?"

"I promise, I will not." Logan assured him, placing a small kiss to his forehead. Virgil sighed, holding Logan tightly, neither of them moving for a long time. Virgil didn't ever want to part with him again.

It's late and I should sleep but I needed to get something done today. Lmao it hadn't been an awful day, in fact most of it was pretty good. I was super excited to get my hair dyed pink, I've felt a whole lot more confident with my haircut, and then.... the pink hair dye we used wouldn't stay in my hair. So I'm basically stuck blonde for a while, and I hate it lmao.

It's not like I hate blonde hair(fun fact, my 4th-6th grade crush had blonde hair. He was cute) just don't like it on me. I wanted it pink, haha.

Anyways, here's a picture of me with blonde hair that I think looks weird

Anyways, here's a picture of me with blonde hair that I think looks weird

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Oh and while we were trying to do it pink this is what it looked like

(I was wearing a nightgown cause I didn't want any of my actual clothes to be ruined by the hair dye

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(I was wearing a nightgown cause I didn't want any of my actual clothes to be ruined by the hair dye. It had colorful pineapples on it!)

I'll add a picture of me when my hair is finally pink! Which should be tomorrow. Also don't expect an update tomorrow(unless I decide to make an A/N about my hair and be annoying) I'm going to be out most of the day. So uh, yeah, I'm gonna get off here now, my sister wants to hang out downstairs and I'm actually kinda starving so, gonna eat something. Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed this. *ring pops burst out of a random wishing well*

 *ring pops burst out of a random wishing well*

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Take care of yourselves. Love you guys!! Bye!-Bob

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