(Anxiety x Logic)

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Before anyone shouts at me I know it's 5:30 and I haven't slept but I can't stop thinking and I needed a distraction okay I'm sorry. Also I'm not really sure what this is it's supposed to be cute but I'm tired so it may not be any good or make any sense I'm sorry

New message.

Logan: You occupying my thoughts is very distracting of sleep.

Virgil: what exactly do you want me to do about it

Logan: I'm not sure. I can't exactly say that I dislike thinking of you. I just wish that were easier to stop doing when it is 4 AM and I am in need of sleep. Since we are talking about the time, what exactly are you doing awake at 4 AM anyways?

Virgil: ...

Virgil: uh... not doing the same thing as you, definitely not. I'm just.... not tired.

Logan: Virgil, you are always tired.

Virgil: true

Logan: I assume that means you have been up thinking all night.

Virgil: maybe.

Logan: I will take that as a yes. What exactly about me have you been thinking of?

Virgil: y'know.... stuff.

Logan: For example?

Virgil: you'll only get an answer out of me if you say what you were thinking first

Logan: Fine. I was thinking about how much I enjoy spending time with you. Like when we talk about things we both enjoy, and how nice it is to listen to you talk about things you are passionate about. Now, what were you thinking of?

Virgil: ...same. You're really cute when you talk about space

Virgil: wait

Virgil: forget I said that

Virgil: I'm tired I don't know what I'm saying

Logan: Virgil, it is alright. Thank you. I was not going to phrase it that way before due to my own nervousness, but I think you are adorable as well when you talk so excitedly.

Virgil: are you just saying that to make me feel better?

Logan: Of course not. I mean it, Virgil. You are wonderful, and I very much enjoy spending time with you.

Virgil: well.... thanks. Same here. ...<3

Logan: <3

Logan: You should get some sleep, Virgil.

Virgil: only if you get some too

Logan: I will try.

Virgil: me too. Uh... feel free to text me again, if you need anything. I'll be there.

Logan: Thank you. The same applies to you.

Virgil: well... night then

Virgil: ...

Virgil: loveyou

Logan: There is supposed to be a space between your words, you know.

Virgil: shut up I was nervous

Virgil: now go to bed

Logan: Alright, I will.

Logan: Virgil?

Virgil: ?

Logan: I love you too.

Sorry this is short, feel free to skip the note below I am sad and frustrated with life

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Sorry this is short, feel free to skip the note below I am sad and frustrated with life.

I'm so tired

Not just physically but like, mentally as well. I'm just, exhausted. I just wanna go to sleep forever. I'm so mad at myself for being up this late, even tho it's not my fault my brain won't turn off.

I wish I could just stay in bed and do nothing all day without my mom telling me "no you have to get up and be happy you can't be sad even for a day just keep yourself busy and you'll automatically be cured"

I just! Want! To sleep! Gahhh I'm sorry I know I should take care of myself better and find someone to help and I know I should just stop venting on here but everything so hard and I just don't wanna do anything anymore and I'm just gonna get off now

Let's hope I get some sleep somehow. I think I'm going to go even more crazy if I don't. Thanks for reading, hope you liked it. Sorry it wasn't a request, those will be done as soon as I think I'm capable of writing an actually decent oneshot. *

* thanks for the suggestion

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* thanks for the suggestion. Take care of yourselves. Love you guys. Bye-Bob

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