Sleepovers (Morality x Anxiety)

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Hi my brain is dumb and thinks I'm undeserving of sleep unless I get something productive done first so here's some fluffy Moxiety, bc it makes me happy (Sorry it seems like I've only been writing like, 3 ships lately asdfghjkl)
Oh also human high school au
Also also I know this is used a ton but shh just let me write what makes me happy okay-

"You can stay in my bed tonight, if you want. I'll make myself a little bed on the floor with blankets and pillows." Patton offered his friend, Virgil. He was nervous about having him over-he was Patton's best friend, and his secret crush. He didn't want him to feel uncomfortable staying over at his house, and he didn't really have anywhere for him to sleep where he could be comfortable.

"I-I don't want to take your bed... that's rude. I don't mind staying in the floor instead." Virgil muttered, shaking his head quickly. He felt just as nervous as Patton did, only worse with the added anxiety over this being the first sleepover he had been to before. He didn't want to screw this up-if he messed things up with Patton then he would probably never find another friend. Patton was the kindest teenager he had met in his school, and he didn't want to go back to being alone.

"It's not rude!" Patton insisted. "I'd feel bad if you had to stay on the floor. Really Virge, it's okay."

"Well I would feel bad if I kicked you out of you bed." Virgil retaliated, frowning. He hoped that Patton would give in-he would feel bad if he stole his bed, but he would feel worse if they kept arguing. Patton frowned as well, thinking up a solution to their issue.

"We could always just... share, I guess." He muttered, cheeks flushing as he got the words out. He didn't mind the idea, but he hoped that he wouldn't make Virgil uncomfortable by suggesting it. He noticed Virgil's cheeks turning a pale pink as well.

"I-I... well, if neither of us wants the other to end up sleeping in the floor, then... I guess it's not a bad idea... as long as you're okay with it." Virgil mumbled, shrugging his shoulders.

"I suggested it, didn't I?" Patton responded, smiling nervously. Finally agreeing on something the pair got ready for bed, Patton being the first to actually sit down on his bed. Virgil stood awkwardly beside of it for a moment, blush darkening as he fidgeted with his hands.

"Hey," Patton muttered, reaching out to take his hand. "I can still make myself a bed on the floor. I don't want you to be uncomfortable."

"N-no, I'm.." Virgil frowned, shaking his head and drawing in a deep breath. "I'm fine. Really."

He sat down on the other side of the bed, giving Patton a small awkward smile that was returned quickly. He looked relieved that Virgil was alright, and Virgil felt bad for worrying him. It wasn't his fault, after all. It was just Virgil and his stupid, obviously unreturned feelings.

Patton shifted, grabbing one of the few pillows that were on his bed and making sure Virgil had one to sleep with. Then he grabbed another one, placing it in the middle of the bed, in between the two of them. "There. A little barrier, to maybe make you feel a little less awkward."

"Thanks," Virgil muttered, and without saying anything else the two of them finally laid down to go to sleep. It took a little while, but eventually Virgil managed to calm down enough. He ended up being the first of them to doze off.

Patton, however, was not finding it as easy to relax. His best friend-his incredibly attractive, funny, and secretly-sweet best friend and crush was laying right next to him. Patton knew he was being weird-he knew that it was still just his friend, and that they wouldn't ever be any more than that, but he couldn't help it. He stole glances at him every few minutes, finding the peaceful look on his friends face to be entrancing.

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