Hide and Seek and Rain (Anxiety x Logic)

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"We should play hide and seek." Virgil suggested, sitting upside down on the couch beside his boyfriend, Logan. Logan glanced over at him with a raised brow.

"Hide and seek?" He repeated. "Why would we play that? It is a game for children."

"Why is it only for kids? It's just a game. Anyone can play." Virgil shrugged, looking over at Logan. "C'mon. Aren't you bored too?"

"I suppose, I don't have much else to do." Logan thought it over for a minute, signing in defeat. "Fine. I will play your game."

"Awesome." Virgil didn't try to hide his grin. He was comfortable around Logan, and didn't feel like he had to. "Who's gonna hide first?"

"It does not matter to me." Logan shrugged. Virgil frowned for a moment.

"Well, guess I'll hide first." He said simply, flipping over backwards to get off of the couch, landing on his hands and knees. He stood up, glancing back over at Logan before walking off. "You know what o do right?"

"Close my eyes and count to ten? It is not complicated." Logan smiled slightly, and Virgil nodded.

"Make it twenty seconds! No one can hide in ten." He instructed, Logan nodding and closing his eyes. He felt something against his cheek, Virgil, kissing him, and then he heard footsteps running off as he began to count aloud. He paid attention to the direction he ran in, listening for any signs of where he would hide.

Virgil ran quickly down the hall, glancing around at different rooms for places to hide. He could hide under their bed? Or in the closet? He shook his head. That would be the first place anyone would check. He glanced around more frantically as Logan got closer to twenty.

"15... 16..."

Behind a door? He would be easy to spot there.

"17... 18..."

He looked at the door leading outside. It was raining, so Logan probably wouldn't expect him to go out there. He didn't have much time to think, sprinting to the door he opened it as quietly as he could manage, slipping through just as Logan got to twenty.

Logan stood up from the couch, glancing around the room for anything that stuck out. Not seeing anything he assumed the footsteps he heard running away had in fact been Virgil running away, and he wasn't just faking it to trick him. Logan chuckled, having expected Virgil to be a little smarter than that. He walked down the hall he had heard the footsteps race down, opening the first door he came across, a closet.

He didn't see him in there, so he continued on to the next room. He checked under the bed, in the closet, and behind the door-every place that people would usually hide in, he checked it. He did this with every room, until eventually he ran out of rooms to check. The only door left was the one that lead outside. Would he be out there?

He listened closely, and at hearing the rain falling against the roof he nodded to himself. He was definitely out there. Logan smiled slightly, making his way to the door and pulling it open.

Virgil was sitting on the porch, looking more peaceful than Logan had ever seen him. He wore a blissful smile, eyes closed as he held out a hand, letting the rain hit him. Logan's smile grew, and he carefully approached Virgil, making it obvious he was there so he wouldn't scare him. He sat down next to him, Virgil opening his eyes and looking over to shoot him a tiny grin.

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