Prisoners (Prince x Anxiety)

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Prompt. SUPERHERO AU, CAUSE I'VE BEEN WANTING TO WRITE ONE FOR FUCKING EVER it doesn't really focus on their powers a whole lot tho, so ahhh sorry. I still really like it tho

Virgil sighed, tapping his fingers anxiously on his knee that was drawn up close to his chest, head resting on them. He kept his eyes on the floor he sat on, thinking, and wondering if he would ever get out of this awful prison cell.

It was unlikely. Virgil had spent most of his life with the people who ran this place. They made it seem like he simply worked for them, but in reality he was simply another prisoner, just one that happened to be useful. How else were they supposed to keep other people with powers locked away? Without him, they would escape in no time.

Virgil sighed again, tapping faster as he once again wondered why he couldn't have been born with some other power. Of all the things he could have been born with that might have helped him out of this situation, Virgil had gotten one of the most useless powers in existence. What good was it to suppress other people's powers if it was the very people who were born without them that held him there?

Virgil stopped his tapping immediately as he heard faint shouts outside of his cell door. He sat up, watching the door and wondering who it was. The shouting got closer and closer, until he could just barely make out what was being said.

"Let... go! ...friends will... soon..." He barely made out parts of sentences, and as the voice drew closer still he could feel the other's power. He must have been very strong. Virgil wondered how they had captured him.

Virgil flinched, curling up even more in his corner as the door was flung open. Another man his age was shoved inside, falling to the floor. It only took a moment before he was up on his feet again, the door slamming shut just before he could get out. Virgil could tell he was trying to use his power, and wondered what his power was.

Virgil jumped again as the other man resorted to banging on the metal door, screaming as loud as possible to be let out. Virgil tried to hide a frightened whimper, only realizing he had failed when the other stopped banging on the door and whirled around to face him. He curled in on himself even more, making himself small as the other prisoner shot him a dark glare.

"You!" He hissed, taking a step closer to him and making Virgil flinch once again. "You're the reason I'm not able to use my powers!"

"Please don't hurt me..." The cornered prisoner begged, sniffling and keeping his head down to hide his tear-filled eyes. "I can't help it..."

"Sure you can't. You work with them!" The other argued, slamming his fist against the cell wall in anger. Virgil didn't say anything, trying to keep his terrified sobs as silent as possible. He knew this other prisoner had to be one of the good guys, but that didn't mean he wouldn't cause Virgil any harm. He was locked up, with no way to escape or use his powers, and he was angry. Virgil, the weak and tiny man in the corner with no real defense was the perfect thing to take that anger out on.

Hours passed before the other finally stopped shouting and banging against the walls. He had not caused Virgil any harm, despite very obviously being angry. Virgil was definitely surprised at this, especially because he was positive that a lot of the other prisoners anger was directed to him.

He watched out of the corner of his eye as the other paced around the small room, eventually huffing and sitting down in the corner as far away from Virgil as he could get. He glared in Virgil's direction, and Virgil turned away from him even more, not wanting to anger him any more.

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