Cupcake Culprit (No Ship)

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This oneshot is coming to you from Bob's Pillow Fort (very brief mention of self-hating thoughts)

Virgil couldn't sleep. His mind was keeping him up, making him feel useless, and like he couldn't do anything right. They kept getting louder and louder, until at last he couldn't stand it any more. Throwing off his blankets, Virgil slowly set his feet on the floor of his room. He needed a distraction. He thought for a while until finally an idea came to mind. He nodded to himself, snatching his phone up and exiting his room.

He found himself in the kitchen, gathering up the different ingredients to make cupcakes, and for icing to go on top of them. After being positive he had everything out he pulled out his phone, turning on some music quietly and setting it to the side.

He got to work quickly on making the cupcakes, starting to hum along to his music, occasionally mumbling a lyric. The song switched to something a little more upbeat than the first, and as he moved around the kitchen to gather different things and put them together he danced.

Th cupcakes finally made it into the oven, and he started to work on making the icing. By the time he finished that the oven beeped to let him know the timer had finished, so he checked them to be sure they were done. When he found that they were the carefully slid them out with an oven mitt, taking the icing he had made and putting it on his cupcakes. (Okay bob here, how the fuck do I make my icing so that it doesn't drip everywhere??? Someone help)

He made sure to leave a fourth of them unfrosted, knowing the Logan didn't like icing. Others he added extra icing on to, because Roman liked icing, and then some with icing and rainbow sprinkles for Patton. The rest he made for himself, doing the same as Patton's, using black sprinkles instead of rainbow.

He put the cupcakes into different plates, one plate for each side. He wrote their names in sharpie on a post it note, putting it on each plate and putting them up for the others to find. He took his own decorated cupcakes and disappeared back into his room, smile on his lips as he enjoyed his cupcakes. He had done something nice for all of them, and he certainly didn't feel as useless as before. If he could make any of them smile, that was what he cared about. Not that he would ever admit it aloud.

He was finally able to get some rest without his thoughts getting to him.


Virgil was startled awake by shouting from the kitchen. He jumped up, immediately throwing his blanket off himself and standing up. What was happening? Was someone hurt? They were screaming. Did he forget to turn the stove off? What if it had caught fire? He panicked, racing down the hall and into the kitchen.

"What's wro-" He cut himself off as he found out what all the screaming was about. Patton had found the cupcakes Virgil had left for everyone, and was screaming excitedly. Virgil sighed, shaking his head and realizing that Patton wasn't the only one gathered in the kitchen. Like Virgil, Logan and Roman had come running at the sudden scream, and now they all had taken notice of the cupcakes left for them.

"Who did this?" Roman wondered as he took a cupcake of his, grinning as he ate the extra icing on it.

"Cupcakes are not for breakfast, Roman!" Patton scolded as he took a bite of his own cupcake. Roman frowned, pointing out how unfair he was being. While they were talking, Logan turned to Virgil with a grateful smile.

"That was nice." Logan told him. Virgil crossed his arms and scoffed, looking away.

"What are you talking about? I didn't make them." He insisted, and Logan raised an eyebrow.

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