Walk in the Forest (Logic x Morality)

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Patton had been the one to suggest walking through the forest. He had convinced Logan to put down his book and go on an adventure with him. Logan didn't expect to have this much fun.

They weren't doing much, just walking. Patton had grabbed his hand to pulled Logan along at first, but now that Logan was following him anyways he had laced their fingers together. He was swinging their arms back and forth slowly, sometimes using both of their hands to point out something he found pretty. Logan would look, but no sight compared to the one he was looking at.

He was watching Patton, a small, hidden smile on his face. Patton was grinning widely, a skip in his step as he walked with Logan. How could someone possibly be this perfect? Logan still couldn't believe that this perfect man was his. He loved Patton, and Patton loved him back. Of all people, he loved Logan.

"Logan? Are you listening?" His perfect world laughed, snapping him out of his thoughts.

"I apologize, Patton. I was distracted by how stunning you look." Logan smiled a little wider, and Patton laughed again. It was an amazing sound, one Logan could listen to forever.

"Thanks, Logan." He grinned, leaning over to kiss his cheek. You're really stunning too!"

"I am no where near as amazing as you, Patton." Logan shook his head, leaning over to kiss his cheek.

"Oh, come on! We're both pretty amazing." Patton smiled. "I love you, Logan."

"I love you as well, Patton." Logan smiled. Patton came to a stop, turning to face Logan and leaning in to kiss him.

"Thanks for coming out here to walk with me." He said as he pulled away, both of them smiling.

"Anything for you, Patton."

So I'm in the middle of working on another oneshot that should be done and up soon, and all I can say is enjoy this fluff for now

I have a tag to do so I'll do that before I start talking here

I have a tag to do so I'll do that before I start talking here

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1. Do I have a crush?
I barely even have friends who would I have a crush on

2. What's my middle name?

3. What's my height?

4. Eye color?

5. Last time I cried?
I'm not gonna count last night cause I didn't cry very much so-does laughing till I cry count? Cause then I did that yesterday too. (Lmao wait does rn as I'm writing this count cause, I'm not yet but I do feel like it)

6. Biggest fear?

7. Last song I listened to?
Dunno. Haven't listened to any music today. Well..... if you count this song from Cuphead then

Cuphead is so much fun oh my gosh

8. Last person I texted?
My friend Sammi

9. Favorite app?
Way toad obviously

I don't know twenty people do it if you wanna

Anyways. I am gonna talk here a bit, feel free to skip over it just know that in December-January I might not post as much as usual. Maybe. I don't know yet.

I know that the week leading up to Christmas I'm not going to be on hardly at all. I'll be in Florida, going insane.

I actually just wrote a long vent bc I'm freaking out and sad but then I realize I talk too much and should stop before I annoy someone whoops

I'm gonna get off here to make cookies and cheer myself up a bit. Ill post the next one shot sometime tonight. And then another happy one to make up for it. Maybe, anyways.... I'm trying really hard to stop putting this book before my health needs, mental or physical. I need sleep. I need to remember that, and stop feeling like this book is more important. It's not. I love all of you guys, and I love putting oneshots out for you, but I can do that after I've taken care of myself.

I'm never gonna stick with this, am I. Of course not.

Do you ever wish your favorite character were real and could give you a hug? Cause I do. Where are my favorite characters come on I'm really sad aND I JUST NEED A HUG DAMMIT

This is way too long I'm sorry I'm annoying, okay, thanks for reading, hope you liked it. *you walk past a girl selling free things. She hands you a plushie of Thomas or your favorite side and two ring pops of happiness to eat*

 She hands you a plushie of Thomas or your favorite side and two ring pops of happiness to eat*

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Thanks for the suggestion. Please leave more, if you have any. Take care of yourselves. Bye-Bob

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