Types of Kisses (Multiple Ships)

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Because these are all so short and you all asked for so many I grouped them together. Hope that's alright!

Can't Let Go Yet (Anxiety x Logic)

He needed to leave. He had places to be, things he was supposed to be getting done, and yet here he was.

Just as he had been about to head out the door Virgil had stopped him, shouting his name and chasing after him. He told him he needed to give him a goodbye kiss. It started off as one simple and short kiss, then turned into two, three, ten. Then Logan pulled him back in for longer, hands around Virgil's waist to pull him close.

They both seemed to forget that they had things to be doing, and that they couldn't just stay there forever. They focused on the feeling of each other's lips against their own, tugging each other as close as was physically possible. They both knew that if they didn't pull away now they could continue for hours, but neither of them wanted to part from the other.

Logan mumbled between kisses, "I'm going to be late," but he still didn't stop pulling Virgil back again.

"Can't you just stay..?" Virgil muttered back, frowning as Logan pulled away.

"I can't." He shook his head with a frown of his own, pressing one final peck to Virgil's lips. "We can definitely go back to this as soon as I've returned, though."

"Fine." Virgil sighed, kissing his cheek. "Then just make sure you're not gone long."

Logan chuckled, nodding and agreeing. He waved goodbye as he stepped out of the door, making his way hurriedly to where he needed to be. He definitely wanted to be home soon, to get back to his boyfriend.

In The Moment (Prince x Anxiety) (things get slightly heated in this one lmao)

Shouts filled the room as Roman and Virgil fought, going back and forth and speaking over each other. They were both trying to make a point, but it was all useless as neither of them were listening to each other, only focusing on what they had to say.

Virgil, frustrated that neither of them could come to any kind of an agreement, cut himself off. He fell completely silent, Roman not even realizing it as he continued yelling, waving his hands around as he argued even though Virgil wasn't listening anymore. To avoid the tears that wanted to spill over, Virgil marched across the room to where Roman stood. His hands gripped tightly onto his sash, and he pulled him down quickly into a heated kiss.

Roman was surprised and confused, staring at Virgil with wide eyes as he kissed him. He didn't know what to do at first, but he couldn't help it as he melted into the kiss, his arms winding around Virgil's waist to pull him in closer. They were both still confused about why they were doing this, but it felt too good to stop, so they didn't.

At some point in the kiss Roman had turned them both around, Virgil's back pressed against the wall. When Roman pulled away from Virgil's lips he continued to trail kisses down his neck and jaw. Virgil tilted his head slightly, gasping for breath. Once he found his breath he spoke.

"God, you're such a moron..." He sighed, breath catching in his throat as Roman kissed him again. "Why do I love you so much...?"

"Who doesn't love me?" He chuckled, his breath on Virgil's neck sending a shiver down his spine. Roman pulled away from him slightly to show a genuine smile, and he leaned in again to kiss Virgil's lips. "I love you too."

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