(Logic x Morality & Prince x Anxiety)

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There are two separate one shots in this part, both requested by the same person. I decided to put them both in the same part bc it's convenient. Hope you enjoy them, sorry the second one is a bit too short. ^•^

Strong Feelings (Logic x Morality)

Logan had been pacing around his room for most of the day, pen and notebook in hand. He would pause occasionally, marking things down in the notebook, but inevitably he would sigh and go back to walking back and forth, and back and forth. He didn't really know just how long he had been doing this for-he had finally gotten out of bed early that morning after a restless night and hadn't checked the time since. He was simply too focused on resolving an issue he was having regarding a certain side.

It wasn't as though the two were arguing or anything-far from it, actually. The two of them got along nicely, and Logan didn't think it was even possible for Patton to be arguing with someone anyways. Patton was too kind, always concerned for Logan's and the others well being, so no one had any reason to start any drama with him. The issue, unfortunately, had more to do with Logan's thoughts and feelings that came about when they were together.

Patton made him feel happy. The thought of him filled his stomach with figurative butterflies, and caused a comforting warmth to grow in his chest at the same time. It was something Logan had no experience with, something no one else made him feel, and he just couldn't put his finger on why he felt this way. He had hoped that writing down how he felt may lead him to some realization as to the cause of these emotions, but so far it has only proven to confuse him more.

A knock at the door had Logan pausing mid-step, nearly causing him to fall over. He wondered who could possibly be awake already, and glanced over at his clock to find that it was already the afternoon. He had been pacing in his room for most of the day already without even realizing.

"Who is it?" Logan called, stepping over to his desk to hide his notebook away in a drawer. His breath caught in his throat briefly when Patton's voice came lilting through the door.

"It's Patton. Can I come in?" He heard him ask, reminding himself to breathe before telling him he could enter. The door creaked open and Patton stepped through, smiling at Logan and making his heart flutter.

"Hello, Patton." Logan greeted, keeping his face as unreadable as possible. He always found that harder around Patton now, though. "Did you need something?"

"No, I just came to check on you. You didn't come out of your room for breakfast, so I assumed you were distracted working on something." He explained, stepping closer to Logan and leaning against the desk he was standing in front of. "So, what're you working on today?"

"I, um..." Logan cleared his throat nervously, avoiding Patton's eyes. "Nothing too important. I apologize for missing breakfast."

"It's alright, just make sure you do get something to eat soon." Patton smiled softly at him, Logan looking back at him and feeling the corners of his lips quirk upwards involuntarily as he nodded his head. He found his eyes darting down briefly to Patton's lips, a sudden idea dawning on him. He felt his cheeks burn, wondering why he hadn't realized this a lot sooner.

"Are you okay, Logan?" Patton asked, smile falling a little at Logan's sudden silence. Logan nodded a little too quickly, nervous butterflies returning as he worried over making Patton frown.

"Yes, I am alright. I believe I may have just figured something out about what I was working on before..." he trailed off, meeting Patton's eyes as his heart hammered in his chest. "I... I need to do something."

"Oh," Patton smiled, smaller than his smile before. "I guess I'll just let you finish the-"

Patton cut himself off as Logan took a step closer to him, hand raising to rest gently on Patton's cheek. His face flushed quickly as Logan leaned in closer, eyes wide in surprise. Logan paused just millimeters away, close enough that Patton could feel his breath against his cheeks. He began to second guess himself, wondering if he shouldn't have started this, if he should have ignored the feelings he had been having and tried to maintain his friendship with Patton the way they had been. He shifted away the slightest bit, ready to back out of this when Patton leaned in the rest of the way, their lips just barely brushing against each other before pulling away again, cheeks a matching bright red. Logan leaned in the second time, meeting again in a former, slightly longer kiss.

"I-I am no good with emotions," Logan spoke softly as they pulled away the second tome, standing closer together now, their foreheads resting against each other. "But... I know that I have strong feelings for you, and I hope that they are returned..."

Patton grinned widely at Logan, leaving a sweet kiss on the tip of his nose. "They definitely are."

Prince's Anxiety Attack (Prince x Anxiety)

Roman was at his desk when it happened. He had a pair of headphones on, listening to Disney music while he worked on some new ideas at his desk in his room. He never could have seen him coming.

So of course it was startling when a pair of arms threw themselves around his neck, making him jump suddenly and tear his headphones off of his ears. The hands moved quickly to dig fingers into his rib cage, wiggling them around and making him squirm in his chair, laughter pouring from his mouth involuntarily.

"Virgil!" He cried out dramatically, trying to shake off his boyfriend, still laughing uncontrollably. "How could you?"

"You've been working for too long," Virgil complained, finally letting up on the tickling so Roman could now turn in his arms to face him. "I need you to come lay down with me. So get up."

"You can't let me finish this one thin-" Roman was cut off when Virgil collapsed onto him in the chair, arms thrown around him in a tight hug and kisses left on his face distracting him from what he was saying.

"No. You have to come. It's been hours." He insisted, finally pressing a long kiss to Roman's lips which was happily returned. When he pulled away he went back to pressing kisses to his cheeks, nose, and forehead, keeping his attention away from his work.

"And you call me dramatic," Roman chuckled, wrapping his arms back around Virgil and welcoming the rare attention. He lifted Virgil up and out of the seat, laughing when Virgil yelped and grabbed onto him tighter. "Alright, fine. Let's go lay down."

He carried the other over to his bed, setting him down gently before climbing onto the bed himself. He quickly wrapped his arms around his boyfriend, pulling him close against his chest and receiving another long kiss from him.

"Thanks," Virgil mumbled against his lips, leaning into his boyfriend happily.

"You didn't really give me much choice but to do what you wanted, so..." Roman laughed as Virgil returned to ticking him, apologizing quickly and trying to push his arms away. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry! You know I love you, and I couldn't help but come to spend time with you anyways."

Sorry if the endings of those feel a little rushed and awkward

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Sorry if the endings of those feel a little rushed and awkward. I'm writing these bc I can't sleep, but I am tired so it may not be my best writing. I did try, though.

I should probably get back to attempting to sleep now that I've gotten something accomplished today. Hope that you enjoyed these, thanks so much for reading them. *your favorite superhero hands you a ring pop after they save your life* (thanks to Paradox-Puzzler for the suggestion!) Take good care of yourselves. Love you guys. Bye-Bob

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