Surgery (Morality x Anxiety)

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Warning: needles, IVs, getting surgery, seeing doctors, mention of vomit, and implications of shitty parents. I promise this oneshot is supposed to be happy and not full of angst but there is a bit sprinkled in. might still make you cry tho. I definitely felt like it writing it

Virgil gripped his boyfriends hand as tight as possible as the needle pierced his skin for his IV he would have for his surgery. His breathing quickened in pace, panic starting to overtake him when he felt Patton squeeze his hand back gently, bringing it up to his lips to press a kiss to it. He heard him whisper reassuring words to him, and tried hard to focus on calming down for him. He really shouldn't be so scared of needles by now anyways.

Once the IV was in the two of them were left alone in Virgil's room to wait for his doctor to be ready to take him back. Virgil had managed to calm down by then, but Patton still remained beside of him with a light grip on his hand.

"Nervous?" Patton muttered softly, eyebrows drawn together worriedly. Virgil thought for a moment and shrugged.

"Yeah. I'm excited too, though. It's an overwhelming mix." He said, pausing. "Both emotions make me want to vomit."

Patton laughed a bit at that, and Virgil smiled along with him. Patton squeezed his hand again, looking down at Virgil fondly. "I'm glad you're excited. Once this is all over I'm sure all this nervousness you have to deal with right now will be worth it."

"I would hope so," Virgil managed a grin. "This has cost a lot of money. It better be worth it all."

"It will be." Patton promised, unlatching his hand from Virgil's and offering a pinky. Virgil took it, and Patton leaned down to press a kiss to the top of his head right before the doctor knocked on his room's door.


Even Patton, the optimist that he was, was nervous as he waited for Virgil's surgery to be over with. He was excited as well of course, looking forward to seeing him again and seeing how happy he was, but in the waiting room with nothing to do but sit and think it was easy to begin thinking of things that could go wrong. His leg bounced up and down as he waited, only stopping finally when he was called back and told that Virgil was finally back in his room and waking up.

"Hey Virge," Patton said with a smile as his boyfriend slowly blinked his eyes at him. "How ya feeling?"

"Mmm," Virgil groaned, eyes squeezing shut again. "Tired."

Patton giggled quietly into his hand, shaking his head at the man in front of him. "I'm sure you are, hon. It's time to go home, though. I'm gonna help you get changed, and then when we get back you can sleep for as long as you like. That sound good?"

Virgil groaned again in response, but his eyes finally stayed open so Patton took it as a good answer. He helped his boyfriend to carefully climb out of the bed, and as promised helped him begin to shed the gown he had been wearing for surgery. He quickly got distracted trying to separate out his pants from the pile of Virgil's clothes he had been wearing when they arrived, freezing after he looked back up at his boyfriend.

Now with nothing blocking the area around his chest the man had finally remembered just what he had been at the doctors for. His mind was so groggy after waking up he hadn't even thought about it, but now he was finally seeing what the doctors had done. He was finally seeing the thing he had spent years saving the money for, waiting to move out of his parents and live on his own just so he could get here to see this. His hand came up to his chest, his now completely flat chest, fingers brushing barely underneath the bandages that hid the incisions that would soon become scars. Tears were filling up in his eyes, a shaky smile forming across his lips as he looked up at Patton.

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