Iida - Romeo and Juliet

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As Monoma's twin sister, Y/n was never really allowed to 'socialize' with class 1-a, despite being in the support course, Y/n's only interactions with the soon-to-be-pro-heroes were when they needed a suit upgrade or Monoma dragged her along to watch them and criticize them.

She honestly wished her brother wasn't so controlling, then maybe she and Iida wouldn't have a Romeo and Juliet situation.

Y/n sighed as she thought about her boyfriend, his blue hair flashing in the corner of her vision. She turned to see him glance over his shoulder before walking over to join her on the bench of U.A.'s gardens.

'The gardens' as she liked to call them, were a small group of linked greenhouses, filled to the brim with plants and butterflies, she often caught Tamaki in them, but it always seemed to calm her down. It had become Iida and Y/n's unofficial 'date' place since Tamaki had accidentally interrupted their talk and said, well, more like squeaked.

"I-I-I'm so s-s-sorry I interrupted y-your date!"

Iida's arm slipped over the back of the bench and around Y/n's shoulders as she leaned against his very toned frame. (srysly why are yall not simping over Iida more?)

"How's your brother?" Y/n asked curiously, craning her neck to see his face, he blushed slightly leaning down to quickly kiss her cheek.

"He's doing okay, he wants to meet you though."

"Maybe, when I finally get a chance to slip away from that idiot brother of mine."

"He's not an idiot he's just..."


"I suppose that is a term you could use, yes."

They sat in comfortable silence, both jumping when the green house doors opened, and someone -who wasn't Tamaki (who was sworn to secrecy)- walked in.

The pair jumped away, Y/n falling to the floor as Iida stood, Y/n panicked, grabbing a flower from one of the lower shelves of the flower displays, eyeing it curiously.

"Y/n? what are you doing here with this bozo."

"Neito don't say that..."

"I am sorry, If you wish me to leave I will." Iida spoke to Monoma, his proper tone and sentence structure kicking in as his nerves heightened.

"Ugh, I wish all of you 1-a kids would juts disappear!"

"Neito! Don't you dare say that!"


"You should know more than anyone that we need them, as future heroes and friends!"


"No! You have dragged me into your bullying and teasing for far too long! Neito Monoma, I want you to leave me alone for an entire week and think about how awfully you have treated me and your peers. Good day." Y/n hissed, grabbing Iida's arm and pulling him out of the greenhouses. Monoma stayed in the flower filled enclosures, watching as Y/n's form retreated behind the wall of bushes.


"What Iida." Y/n accidentally snapped, pausing as she realized her harsh tone.

"Sorry, my brother just took things too far."

"It's okay. but I don't think he'll survive a week without you."

"True, but all I need to survive this week is you Romeo." Iida chuckled.

"Works for me Juliet."

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