Todoroki - formal events and plus ones

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Honestly Todoroki is a mood.

I made this into a slight angst when it was supposed to be a fluff LMAO


Todoroki fidgeted nervously as he waited for Y/n to walk out of her dorm room. The heterochromatic boy was clad in a full black suit, not even a white tie, just black. Y/n had commented when they bought their outfits together that he looked like he was going to a funeral, and, if Todoroki was honest, he thought a funeral was better than any event his father had planned.

See, Todoroki had been told he was to attend a father large event, that filled with pro heroes and their children. Todoroki was told her was allowed a plus one. And who better to bring to piss off his father than the third place winner of the sports festival and the person in Todoroki's class that Endeavor hated the most.


She was a beautiful girl, that Todoroki had to admit, but she also resented Endeavor, having met the fiery pro hero at the sports festival.

The door to Y/n's dorm opened, and she stiffly walked out.

Her dress was black (like his suit), rather tight and a bit revealing, causing Todoroki to cough and look away.

She only rolled her eyes, looping her arm through Todoroki's as they walked out of the dorm rooms and to a rather expensive looking limo.

"Your father really went so far as to rent a limo?"

"He thought I was bringing Yaoyorozu."

"Oh my god." Y/n wheezed, a small laugh erupting from her body as Todoroki chuckled with her.

They got into the large limo, sitting in comfortable silence next to each other.

"Do you think your father will kick me out?"

"No, he won't want to cause a scene in front of the other pros."

"That's relieving."

"I wouldn't let him hurt you if he tried."

"That's comforting." Y/n replied sarcastically, her arm still looped with Todoroki's as she leaned against him.

He leaned against her instinctively, his left side warm in the cold air of the night.

As the limo stopped in front of the large building Endeavor had booked for the extravagant event.

Y/n hesitated as Todoroki held a hand out for her.

"It'll be okay."

"I don't know Todo, I have a bad feeling, and I don't think it's about your father."

"We'll keep an eye out."

Todoroki had his arm around Y/n's waist as they were greeted at the door, showing their passes.

Endeavor spotted his son's hair, walking over.

"SHOUTO-" The pro hero's eye started to twitch as he saw Y/n.

Her confidence boosted as she saw the pro hero's shock.

"Hello Endeavor! It's great seeing you again, you should introduce us to some of your pro hero friends!" She smiled, a slight hint of mischief in her eyes as a few surrounding pro heroes agreed.

Todoroki smiled softly to himself, watching as Y/n interacted with the other pros.

A feeling of being watched washed over him as he whirled around to see better, not seeing anyone.

He remembered Y/n's earlier words, his guard high and fists ready.

He turned back to Y/n, noticing a pro hero he didn't recognize reaching for her arm.

Todoroki intercepted, pulling Y/n away and apologizing quietly to the other pros.

"I'm sorry, but who are you?" Todoroki asked, gaining the attention of a few of the heroes around him.

"Yeah! I don't recognize you and you haven't been at any of the other hero events, I've never even seen your debut!" A hero called to the stranger.

The stranger chuckled nervously.

"I-I'm a hero! Just like all of you!"

"Where's your license." Todoroki pushed. He took notice of the fact that a few other strange and unnoticed heroes approached.

The stranger in front of him reached into their pocket, causing Todoroki to back away and stand closer to Y/n, his arm ready to stretch out in front of him.

The hero pulled out a gun instead of a hero license, causing a few of the heroes around them to disperse as a few of the other unidentified individuals pulled out their own guns.

There were about 100 of the strangers, all pointing guns at a different hero, demanding for the other heroes to step back.

"Give us the girl and we won't shoot." The stranger in front of Todoroki demanded.

"What could you possibly want with-"

Todoroki didn't react quick enough when Y/n was yanked from his grasp by another strange hero, being pulled away unconscious as a chloroform cloth covered her face.

The stranger and Y/n were pulled out by a rope, through the roof of the building Todoroki trying to lift himself by his ice into the air but failing in the end as a gun barrel was pushed into the side of his head.

"Look kid, I don't wanna kill you. We just want the girl."

The winged hero, Hawks, tried to fly after Y/n only to be shot in the leg and crash into a dining table, a groan of pain erupting from his mouth.

Todoroki's chest heaved as panic rose in his throat and chest.

"What do you want with her."

"Oh she's just a part of a big family that we know are rich, and since the youngest Todoroki was stupid enough to bring a Yaoyorozu to a big event like this, we figured, why not."

"Wait, you think she's a Yaoyorozu?"

"Yeah, she is."

"No she's not that's a L/n." Endeavor's voice called, a gun to his own head.

"Dammit." The villain reached into his pocket, pulling out a walkie talkie.

"Drop the girl, she's not a Yaoyorozu."

"From the helicopter? Won't she die-" The second voice came from the walkie talkie.

"That's the whole point you idiot, one less hero to deal with!"

Todoroki's body seemed to work on it's own as ice engulfed all of the villains in the room, the heroes, somehow (probably by the adrenaline pumping through Todoroki's veins) unscathed, as he ran out the door spotting the helicopter just in time to see a limp figure being thrown off the side.

Everything turned to slow motion as Todoroki's foot stomped on the ground in a fleet of panic, a small slide of ice appearing and catching the girl.

She rolled down the ice, slowly stopping at the bottom as Todoroki ran over, checking her pulse and sighing in relief as a heartbeat pushed against his finger tips, he noticed a bullet wound in her arm, likely from resistance in the helicopter.

A few heroes ran over, still clad in suits and dresses alike, using their quirks to stop the helicopter and force it to land, detaining the villains easily.

Todoroki lightly hit Y/n's cheek, shaking her shoulders as she came to, her eyelids fluttering as she saw him.


"Oh thank god you're alive." Y/n chuckled, lifting herself up to pull Todoroki into a hug.

A loud wolf whistle was heard from the steps of the former Gala building, Todoroki and Y/n turned to see a scowling Endeavor and limping, but cheering, Hawks.

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