Aizawa- burning buildings and last minute apologies

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Creating sight: User can see all possibilities an object can have when looking directly at it.

Aizawa opened his eyes, sitting up quickly as he looked around.

"where the hell am I."

"Under the building." Aizawa flinched, turning to see Y/n, her arm stuck under a steel beam.

"With me." she finished with a smirk. Aizawa sighed.

"So, how's the agency."

"Oh you know, better, since you're not there." Y/n hissed, wincing as the building shifted. Aizawa closed his eyes, his internal conflict taking over.

He rolled his eyes, walking over and shakily lifting the beam.

Y/n quickly moved her hand away. Rubbing her shoulder as she stared off into the distance.

"What you're not gonna look me in the eyes and thank me?"

"No." Aizawa scoffed.

"Just what I expected from-"

"no, you don't understand. I would, but I-I can't see you..."

"What?" Aizawa furrowed his brows as he looked back at Y/n.

His heart dropped as he saw her face.

Two large scars went across her eyes as she let a few tears fall.

"I cant see you." She whispered again.

Aizawa sat down beside her taking her hand.

"Well you can still say thanks if I sit next to you. right?" Aizawa suggested.

Y/n let a few more tears fall as she leaned against him.

"thank you." Her small voice rang through the sizzling building, almost covered by the sound of crackling and smoke.

She coughed, lifting her cape to cover her nose and mouth.

Aizawa looked around again, watching as the fire grew closer and closer to them.

"I'm sorry I abandoned you that day." He whispered to her, pulling her closer.

She stayed silent, staring into nothing as he spoke to her.

"I shouldn't have left you that day. It wasn't your fault my brother died. You were just as hurt by his disappearance as I was and I shouldn't have blamed you." Aizawa continued.

Y/n stayed quiet still.

"It's okay, I shouldn't have let you find out through the news instead of a close friend." Aizawa half smiled, leaning his head against the wall as Y/n leaned against he chest.

"I'm sorry it had to end like this." Y/n mumbled into Aizawa's chest.

"As long as it's with you I'm okay. I'm just gonna miss my students."

"You'll see them again someday, just hopefully not soon."

Aizawa shut his eyes, his arms wrapping around Y/n as the building collapsed around them.

"I love you."


Class 1-a looked around confused as their homeroom teacher was late.

"He's never been tardy before?" Uraraka mentioned.

Bakugou froze as Nezu walked in, his bad feeling washing over him.

Nezu stood on a podium as Present Mic, Midnight, Vlad King, and All might walked in behind him, their heads held low.

"We regret to inform you, that on September eighth, at three pm, Shouta Aizawa also known as Pro hero Eraserhead, died, as did Y/n L/n, also known as pro hero Bluprint."

Mina burst out crying, as multiple of the girls did too. Bakugou simply sat there, questioning himself.

Midoriya's eyes widened, as a single tear fell from his eyes.

"They will be forever missed, however your classes will go on with Fat Gum as your teacher, treat him with respect."

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