Denki - grocery shopping

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Yo this is so cute

This one is for you Sam, you know who you are ;)

Enjoy :)

Denki happily walked into the common room, freezing as Aizawa made eye contact with him.

"I swear I'm innocent, it was Sero."

"What- no, you're on grocery duty with L/n."

Denki sighed in relief smiling widely at Y/n.

"You doofus." She snickered, ruffling his hair.

Aizawa handed Y/n the small wad of money, glaring at Denki as he tried to take it himself.

Y/n laughed, shoving it into her (pocket, purse, bag).

They walked out of the dorms, heading towards the nearby parking lot.

"Where are we going?" Denki asked.

"You'll see." Y/n sneakily smiled.

They walked into the large parking garage.

Denki followed her over to a motorcycle.

"This is yours?"

"Yeah, I brought it over from America where I used to live."

She hopped on, patting the seat behind her as Denki hesitantly got on behind her.

She handed him a helmet, putting on her own. (stay safe kids. I'm looking at you Sam)

She turned on the large motorcycle, backing up and speeding through the roads of Japan.

Denki almost passed out as she smiled. She pulled in to the large grocery store, turning to look at a very green faced Denki.

"you okay?" Y/n asked, taking off her helmet.

"Y-Yeah!" Denki tried to sound convincing, stuttering as he stumbled off of the motorcycle.

"If you throw up in the grocery store, I'm not buying any cookies."

"Hey! I can't control when I get sick!"

"Alright, Alright. Lets just hurry up, I want to stop somewhere on our way back."

Denki followed her into the store, Y/n stared down at the list, glancing between the signs and the aisles.

"Okay, lets get some of the necessities first, then we can get some of the extra stuff the others want. And yes, you will still get your cookies."

Denki fist pumped the air, composing himself as he pushed the cart around the store, watching as Y/n threw things into the cart.

"Okie Dokie, uh, let's go grab some of Bakugou's cooking stuff, then we can get some baking materials, and then we'll go get some treats."

Denki aimlessly followed Y/n around the store, often getting distracted by some of the displays and having to be dragged away.

Y/n finally let out a breath as she put the last item in the cart.

"Alright Denki, you get one choice. vanilla, or chocolate."

"Ice cream."

"I knew you would say that."

Y/n laughed, reaching into the large freezer and pulling out a pint of vanilla ice cream.

"If you eat all of it before tomorrow I will literally beat you." Y/n threatened. (lol accurate)

Denki rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, Yeah, Bakugou says the same thing all the time."

"Oh shut up Denki you know you love me."

"What if I do." He teased, wrapping an arm around her shoulder.

She leaned up kissing his cheek.

"Then I love you too babes."

Denki froze his hands turning into thumbs ups (?) and started wandering in a circle.

Y/n laughed, pushing the cart towards the check out as she dragged Denki's arm with her.

The cashier smiled as Y/n took the bags out of her hands.

"You two love birds have fun!" She called after them.

"We will!" Y/n called back, pushing Denki out the door.

She put the bags in the small storage container on her motorcycle, smirking as Denki finally snapped out of his 'trance'.

"Welcome back soldier." She joked.

"Did you really mean that?" He mumbled.

"I mean of course I did, what kind of asshole, kisses someone without meaning it." (this entire chapter is honestly just an attack on you Sam)

"I mean I guess I just-"

Y/n cut him off again, wrapping him in a large hug.

"y'know you're kind of ruining the moment by talking so much." She giggled. Kamanari blushed, resting his chin on the top of her head. (cuz sam is short Lmao SHORT STACK)

She pulled away, tossing the helmet at him.

"Get ready." She warned, pressing the gas as they jerked forward.

Denki's arms slipped around her waist as they rode.

He was more used to it now, though it doesn't mean he was completely fine already. (Sam, you need to help that little 'need for speed')

She slowed down, turning into a small parking lot, a small bakery was in front of them.

"Stay here, and, try not to throw up." Y/n laughed.

She ran inside, soon returning with a large box. She placed it in the storage container, getting back on the motorcycle as they headed back to the dorms.

Denki rested his chin on her shoulder, keeping his eyes on the roads as they turned.

"If Aizawa asks, I didn't buy Ice cream, or cookies."

"You got cookies?"

"Of course I got cookies they're your favorite."

"Thanks babes." Denki teased poking her side.

She tensed, growling at him as they continued.

"Oh so you're ticklish." (again, accurate.) He observed, they pulled into the dorms, grabbing the bags of groceries as they hid the ice cream and cookies.

"Hey Y/n?" Denki asked, shoving a small vile of vanilla in a cabinet.

Y/n turned to him, squeaking as his hand immedietly went to her side, his other hand holding her in place in a hug.

She burst out laughing as he tickled her side.

"Denki!" She spoke through half sobs and half laughs.

Denki finally backed off, crossing his arms as he leaned against the counter.

"You're a literal -REDACTED-." She hissed. (I had to redact it cuz it would probably get me sued) Denki coughed, his eyes widening at the strong language.

"Woah there." Bakugou commented from his place on the common room.

"Oh shut the hell up you've probably said it too."

"Not directly to your face but yeah." Bakugou joked.

Denki's arm swiftly wrapped around Y/n's waist, holding her back as she tried to vault the counter and attack Bakugou.

"Maybe during training. I really don't want to get in trouble for burning down the dorms." Denki whispered.

Y/n huffed, sending Bakugou double birds as he sent them right back.

She yawned, dragging Denki with her down the hall towards her dorm.

She flopped onto her bed, lifting her legs into Denki's lap as he sat down next to them.

"So what are we?"

"Are you fucking kidding me."

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