Midoriya - couches and notes *SD*

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***TW BLOOD (like, a lot)****


Quirk: Flame Dart (Hero name: Bow)

Midoriya staggered through the apartment building, checking down each hall so no one would see him. He shakily raised a hand to a certain door, leaning against the wall so he wouldn't pass out.

"Huh?" A very sleepy y/n answered the door, a yawn escaping her mouth as her eyes squinted closed, she opened them, immediately becoming more awake as she saw Midoriya give her a small wave.

"Get in here, now." She hissed at him, gently pulling him inside her apartment.

She quickly ran around her apartment, occasionally glancing over her shoulder to look at Midoriya sitting on the couch.

"Why the hell didn't you call the fucking ambulance."

"Because its like, three am and I didn't want to wake anyone up and I know you never sleep so I just came here-" He held back a scream as Y/n pressed a wet cloth to his wound.

"Sorry I got blood on your couch by the way." He whispered, wincing as he chuckled.

"You have a gaping hole in your chest shut the fuck up." Y/n hissed again.

"Hold this to the wound." She instructed, running back to her room to grab her phone.

She quickly dialed the three magic numbers explaining the situation to the responder on the other end.

The sirens came into earshot as Midoriya winced at the large sound.

Y/n rushed over, dialing another number shakily in her phone.

"Bakugou, I need you at my apartment in less than three minutes." She demanded to the groggy man on the other side.


"NOW." Y/n finished, Bakugou stuttered, agreeing as he quickly got ready.

Midoriya's eyes started to flutter.

"Midoriya you have to stay awake."

"Wait, Deku is there? Why?"

"He's majorly injured I need you here NOW. HURRY." Y/n pleaded as Midoriya's eyes started to close.

"Izuku, do you remember in out third year of middle school, when me and Bakugou were making fun of you outside of the school and I almost ripped your notebook in half."

"Yeah I think so." Midoriya whispered, his eyes slowly opening again.

"I'm so sorry." Y/n whispered, running a hand through his hair as he started to dose off again.

"Please, Izuku you HAVE to stay awake."

"I know, I-Is Kachaan, coming?" He whispered, wincing again as the door flew open.

"Oh my god, Bakugou breathed, running over as the paramedics followed him inside, quickly lifting Midoriya onto a large stretcher.

Y/n and Bakugou quickly followed them down the stairs and watched in horror as the ambulance drove off.

Y/n burst out sobbing as the adrenaline wore off, burying her face in Bakugou's shoulder as his arm wrapped around her.


Y/n kept her head low as her darts carried her across town she landed in front of the hospital taking a deep breath as she walked into the lobby.

"Ah, Bow! We've been expecting you, Deku has been wondering where you are."

"He has?" Y/n nervously responded. The nurse nodded pointing down a hallway as Y/n was handed a key card.

"Thank you." Y/n bowed to the nurse, slowly walking towards the door Midoriya was behind.

She silently opened the door, looking up to Midoriya asleep a book nearly falling out of his hands as he slumped over.

She giggled, taking the book from his hands as she gently pushed him back onto the bed.

She sat down in the chair beside him, looking down at the book he was reading.

"Catalog of future heroes?" She read aloud.

She opened it up, her eyes widening as Midoriya's handwriting covered most of the pictures of the UA alumni. There were notes, suggestions and even random facts, scribbled down on each page.

She flipped through the book, pausing on her page as a small smile crept onto her face.









Y/n sighed as her eyes scanned the page. She furrowed her brows at the bottom note in the corner. She couldn't quite read it.

Prettiest girl in class

She froze, glancing up at the still VERY unconscious Midoriya, she picked a pencil out of the cup on his bedside table, adding a note next to his.

You're not too bad yourself

She smiled at her little note, placing the notebook on his side table.

Midoriya's eyes fluttered open, he blinked, squinting at the light.

"Rise and shine broccoli boy." Y/n smirked.

"Wow, haven't heard that one since our first year in highschool.


Midoriya waved to Y/n as she walked towards the door.

"Oh, I almost forgot, I left you a little note in that catalog of yours, you might wanna read it."

Midoriya froze, quickly picking up the book as Y/n walked away with a snicker.

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