Mirio- gifts 🎄

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Suggested by: @thatpanpotato (Love ya kiddo)

Mirio glanced around his, and Y/n's apartment. He was holding nearly twenty small boxes, each filled with a personalized gift for her.

She was at work, late as usual, and Mirio figured now, was the perfect time to hide the gifts.

He placed one in the silverware drawer,

One in the bookshelves,

then in her office,

in her nightstand,

her book bag,

their closet,

her drawer,

in the fridge,

in her snow boots,

in her hat,

in her scarf,

in her favorite book,

and on the TV remote.

Mirio looked through each room of the small apartment, making sure each had at least one present. He smiled at his handiwork.

"Babe! I'm home!"  A voice called as the door swung open, the heavy clatter of shoes on the floor. Mirio bolted through the house, sweeping her into his arms in a large hug.

"Baby!" He cheered, smiling up at her as he wrapped his arms around her waist, lifting her in the air.

"Put me down!" Y/n laughed gently hitting his chest. He brought her down, smiling when she leaned in to kiss him.

She pulled away, walking into the kitchen. She pulled down a small bowl and reached into the cabinet, grabbing a cereal. She opened the silverware drawer for a spoon, pausing when she saw the mini gift.

"What's this?" She asked suspiciously, raising an eyebrow at a smiling Mirio. He simply gestured for her to open it.

She carefully undid the paper, gasping as she threw the crinkly paper behind her.

It was a small tea dunker, in the shape of All might.

"Wait, does this mean I have to drown all might?"


Mirio never stopped smiling as Y/n walked around the apartment, occasionally gasping or laughing at the small gifts she found.

She walked back into the kitchen where Miro waited, a plethora of small gifts in her arms.

"Thank you so much! Now you have to go look for yours, it's only one, but it's still cute." She said sneakily, Mirio paused, glancing around their apartment.

"How did I not notice it?"

"I hid it while I was looking."

Mirio walked away walking into their bedroom, he scanned it, looking through each drawer and crevasse he could find. He eventually sat on the bed, pausing as something shifted.

He reached over picking up the blanket and freezing when he saw the gift.

Y/n leaned against the doorway, biting her lip nervously.

"Do you like it?"

Mirio stood up wordlessly, walking over to her and engulfing her in a large hug.

"I love it! Not as much as love you, but I love it." Y/n laughed quietly, pulling away from him as she glanced back at the gift.

A hand sewn cartoon Lemillion plushy, holding the hand of a small cartoon Eri, whose other hand was holding the hand of a cartoon Y/n.

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