Aizawa - lullaby *sd*

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*get ready for tears and angst and death and- I can't stop crying*

Shouta watched with a small smile from the door way of the small pink bedroom.

Y/n stood in the middle of the room, swaying back and forth, a young child in her arms, no more than two.

She sang a lullaby quietly, staring down at the child in her embrace. She finished the song, smiling with a tired sigh as she set the child in the cradle, walking away from the door with Shouta.

Aizawa stared at the wall of his classroom, the words of the police officer ringing throughout his head endlessly.

"they didn't make it in the crash."

Shouta's arms wrapped around Y/n's waist as they laid down in the bed they shared.

"I always loved it when you sing."

"I love it when you love it when I sing."

Aizawa got up from his desk making his way back to the teacher's dorm.

He walked in through the door, grunting when Eri was dropped in his arms by a very rushed Mirio.

"I'm late!" The blonde yelled as he ran away from the building and into the dark night.

Aizawa shook his head, looking down at Eri who was equally confused in his arms.

"I think it's your bedtime."


Aizawa shifted Eri to his shoulders as he walked towards the elevator, waiting patiently for it to open.

"Can you sing a song before I go to sleep?"

Aizawa froze.


Aizawa took shaky breaths as Eri sat down on her bed, cuddling under the blankets.

Aizawa's quiet voice rang throughout the room as Eri's eyes slowly closed. A weak smile spread across his face as he headed for the door.

He closed the door, spotting Present Mic down the hall. Aizawa's eyes welled up as memories of his family ran through his head. Mic ran over as Aizawa sunk to the ground, sobbing.

The light pitter-patter of feet echoed as Eri's door creaked open.

She saw Aizawa, running over to him, her arms hesitantly wrapped around him, as his breathing slowed.

"I can sing the song next time."

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