Bakugou - pranks *small drabble*

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The rather grumpy student trudged into her kitchen. Her peers watching in fear, as she glared and willed them to stay quiet.

She sat down at the counter with a thud, causing everyone but the boy in the kitchen to flinch.

He smirked to himself as he scrambled the eggs. *Dear god, it is midnight and I am craving eggs..*

He flicked some pepper into the pan as her soft snores filled the kitchen. Bakugou chuckled turning around to look at her slumped figure, asleep on the counter. Her classmates grinned a devious plan forming collectively in their heads.

Bakugou noticed this rolling his eyes and turning back to the pan, fully awaiting the large amount of yelling and fire soon to go off.

"She's going to kill you guys one day..." He muttered.

Quirk: Magma fist. When activated a coating (size is your choice) of lava, magma, fire or rock coats your fist. If used too much it can burn the user.

He turned a blind eye as his pink skinned classmate snuck up to the passed out girl. She was followed by few of her peers, the others knowing the danger they were to face soon.

Mina popped the cap of the eyeliner, as Kamanari coaxed Momo to make a cat headband.

Momo was eventually persuaded, the cat headband resting gently atop the girl's (h/c) haired head, as Mina gently drew large whiskers and a small button nose on her hot headed classmate.

The girl stirred, causing everyone to freeze in fear and anticipation. She soon settled again shifting so her head was rested on her arms instead of the hard counter. They all smirked again, as the resident cat lover walked into the kitchen.

Shinsou walked over wondering why everyone was so silent and took one look at the girl before wisely making the decision to sit beside Midoriya.

The students backed off of their classmate as Bakugou set out the food. She raised her head, oblivious to the small prank that had been pulled.

She sniffed the air a light smile appearing on her face as she took in the smell of amazing food.

She stood up smiling at Bakugou and thanking him for the food. She raised a hand, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes.

She pulled her black stained hand away, her brows furrowing as she looked over at her classmates.

A few snickered while others got up and left knowing the massive amount of danger she could impose.

She blinked her other hand reaching up to grab the headband. She pulled it away, staring at it as her eyes began to glow a faint red.

Her breathing became shallow as she looked back up at her classmates.

"Run." She hissed, as multiple friends launched off of the couch and out of the door. She raised a fist a rather large fire emitting from it. She dauntingly walked through the halls after them, her clam demeanor raising question. She saw her victims and smiled softly as she walked closer.

They raised brows overly confused. Y/n turned to face Kamanari, choosing him as her first victim.

She raised her hand grabbing him by the hair and flipping him over her shoulder as he landed with a large crash into a potted plant nearby.

She grabbed Mina next opting to use her quirk instead.

Bakugou watched with pride as the girl beat the other students, having no mercy whatsoever.

She finished shaking her hand to ease the new burns she was sure to receive.

She walked back to the kitchen yawning once more.

She trudged over to the spikey haired blonde resting her head on his shoulder as his arm wrapped around her waist.

He handed her a cup of coffee (Made exactly the way she would like it), and watched as she took large sips, glaring at the classmates who had done nothing to protect her.

She grabbed a napkin, easily wiping off the large amount of black makeup, and handing the headband to Bakugou, who immediately turned it to ash with ease.

She leaned into him as she fell asleep once more, her uniform crumpled and unattended to.

Her classmates cooed, erupting a low growl from the male she was leaning against.

They too back off as they left for school, leaving the couple to themselves.

"I never even got to eat breakfast..."

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