Dabi - Angry voice *sd that might be more wholesome than the Midoriya chapter*

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Dabi grumbled to himself as he walked into the LOV's base, he ran a hand through his hair, pausing as he saw the rest of the league staring at him in utter shock.

"What?" He asked, looking down at where their eyes were pointed. Dabi sighed as he saw a white haired boy standing next to him, ,staring up at him with a wide smile.

"I thought Momma told you not to follow me?" Dabi grinned, picking up the small kid as they giggled, hugging his neck.

"I was just wondering where you went!" They answered, pulling a close-mouthed smile as Dabi sighed again.

"Guys, I have to take Rei home. I'll be back in a few." Dabi started, being cut off by Toga.

"HE'S SO CUTE!!!!!!!!"

Dabi glared at Toga as Rei's hands flew from around Dabi's neck to his ears, covering them in discomfort.

"Toga, chill, he has sensitive hearing." Dabi hissed, glaring at the blonde haired girl in front of him.

"Who the hell is Momma?" Shigaraki's crusty ass asked.

"No cursing around my son. And you will never meet my girlfriend." Dabi answered with a shrug, walking out the door.

"Hold on! Can I come?" Toga asked cheerily, following Dabi and his son out the door.

"No Toga, and if I find out you followed me I am NOT going to be happy." The man glared, Rei gasped.

"Dad used his angry voice on you..." The kid whispered in shock, covering his mouth.

Dabi chuckled.

"See, no following." Dabi smirked, Toga pouted, turning to go back inside the hideout.

"Okay kiddo, you can't tell anyone where this place is or I'm going to use my angry angry voice." Rei nodded quickly. Dabi sat the kid down, holding his hand as they walked through the city streets.

"REI!?" A voice called from down the street. Dabi perked up, looking over to see Y/n running towards them.

"Rei! I told you not to follow Dad!"

"I'm sorry Momma..."

Y/n sighed.

"I suppose it was going to happen eventually." Y/n huffed,

"Dad used his angry voice." Rei spoke bluntly, Y/n raised an eyebrow with a smile, glancing up at said man who shrugged. They began walking towards their apartment, eventually stopping in front of a large run-down building.

"I love you." Dabi spoke, kissing Y/n's forehead.

"What about me?" Rei whined.

"You too sport."

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