Bakugou- cinnamon....

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quirk: cassia clouds: (If you didn't know, cassia is a highly dangerous poison that looks and smells like cinnamon, so they also smell like cinnamon.) User can create cassia clouds in the air or in the blood streams of their enemies. They can also speed up the process of poison by getting closer to their enemy, if they touch their enemy they can temporarily paralyze them, and it's MAJORLY painful. They are also slightly immune to most types of poison.

Drawback: they're legit allergic to ACTUAL cinnamon

You replace m*neta for obvious reasons.

Why are y'all voting for this one it's so fucking bad-

"Bakugou c'mon! Please tell us who your girlfriend is!" Kamanari pleaded with his other blonde friend. Bakugou rolled his eyes, glaring at his friends.

"I'll show give you one clue." Bakugou hissed, he cleared his throat.


"What do you mean by that though?" Kamanari mumbled, staring down at his hands.

"liquids?" Kirishima asked, his head tilting to the side as he looked around the classroom wondering who it could be.

"It cant be anyone in our class because no one has a poison based quirk except for y/n and hers is a powder."

"Figure it out moron's." Bakugou smirked walking over to y/n.

Kirishima squinted as he stared out the window down at the courtyard below, his eyes scanned the students as his brain marked off people as they went by.

Bakugou almost laughed as he and y/n looked over at Kamanari and Kirishima arguing about who it was.

Y/n snorted as Mina and Hagakure ran over to Kiri and Kamanari.

"They asked me the same question earlier, they were super confused."

"They're so stupid."

"Well Mina and Hagakure are never going to figure it out because you won't let them close enough to smell you, and Kiri and Kami are too stubborn to admit it's me."

"This is going to be hilarious."


Y/n and Bakugou both yawned as they stared down at the laptop in front of them, their legs were tangled, arms wrapped around eachother as they cuddled.

They froze as a knock sounded on the door.

"Y/n let us in we think we figured it out!" Mina called, cheerfully.

Y/n mentally thanked herself for locking the door earlier.

"Get under the bed."

"What?! No?!" Bakugou hissed back.

"NOW, I am NOT loosing this competition." Y/n threatened, pushing him off the bed as he grumbled to himself.

He slid under the large king sized bed of her dorm, cursing to himself as mina and Hagakure sat down on the bed.

"Is it that really cute barista with the sweets quirk from the coffee shop we went to a few weeks ago?"

"No mina, it is NOT that guy, were practically strangers, plus, hes REALLY not my type."

"Well then what IS your type."

"Blondes, I don't know, bitches."

"Well damn, that kind of narrows it down."

"Now get out, I wanna finish watching my movie." Y/n rolled her eyes as mina and Hagakure walked out of the door, deep in thought.

"Can I come out now dumbass?"

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