Shoto Todoroki - shelter

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Todoroki ran briskly along the mountain path, the silence bringing him a sense of comfort.

He looked down at his watch, frowning at the time.

20:49 PM

He sighed to himself turning around to walk back down the hill. He looked across the field in front of him, noticing the rather large distance he would have to walk in the dark.

"Sir! Sir!" He turned as a voice called out to him.

A woman ran up to him panting heavily. She wore a tight black tank top, her plaid flannel wrapped around her waist and tied in the front. Her hair (sorry if you have short hair) was pulled up into a ponytail, her sandals partially covered in dirt.

"Hi! Sorry about the rude greeting!" She apologized, bowing politely.

" I'm Y/n L/n and I live across the lake! I noticed you when you first started up the mountain, and I had wanted to warn you about the wolves. You were running too fast, and I couldn't catch up to you! Now that I see your safe, the problem of the sunset comes up. If you're not a creeper, you can stay with me if you want."

She offered generously, he stood still shocked for a moment.

"Uh, sure. I was going to have to set up camp anyway." He said gesturing to the large backpack he wore."

"Oh, well it's a good thing I caught you anyways! It's supposed to hail tonight and you know how the weather is here in Japan!" She laughed leading him towards the small cabin she lived in.

It was a smaller three roomed house. One large room serving as the kitchen and Living room, and two bedrooms one much larger than the other.

Todoroki looked around at the simple home. He took off his muddy shoes, pulling out a small cloth from his bag as to not stain the floor.

She made her way to the kitchen, him following like a rather lost puppy. She put a large pan on the stove filling it with water. Todoroki's eyes furrowed, 'why didn't' she use a kettle?'.

It wasn't that he was ungrateful, in fact he felt he was very fortunate.

He was simply confused at the untraditional way of boiling water.

She seemed to notice his confusion, chuckling before opening a cabinet to pull one out.

"I do have a kettle, I've just gotten really used to making it on the stove. I work at a psychiatric hospital a little ways from here, since my quirk helps, and one of the patients has an odd loathing of kettles."

She giggles putting away the kettle. Todoroki was caught by surprise, could it be?

"Does her name happen to be Rei Todoroki?" He asked skeptically. She turned to him, her own confusion apparent.

"Yeah, why?" Todoroki smiled to himself.

"That just so happens, to be my mother."

"Oh! Really?" She asked a large smile spreading across her face. He nodded as her face lit up even more, practically blinding him.

"She talks about you and your siblings a lot! Let's see, Shoto, that's you right? The new pro hero and youngest?"

He nodded again.

"Then there's Fuyumi, the teacher, Natsuo, the doctor, and Touya... Yeah and there's your father the recently retired pro? I never liked him. He always seemed too good to be true, and by the way your mother talks about him, I'd think I'm right." She finished causing Todoroki to snicker at the mention of his bitch father.

"Let's just say he never really got long with the rest of us." He chuckled as she poured the water into two mugs, she held up two small boxes of tea smiling as he pointed at the traditional green tea.

"This one is my favorite. The first time I got it, I didn't realize it was infused with peppermint flavoring and when I drank it I was very pleasantly surprised." Todoroki smiled to himself as he took a small sip. He hummed agreeing with her on the pleasant flavoring.

"So, what's your quirk, you said it helps the patients you work with?"

"Ah, the observant type. Well my quirk is

QUIRK: Filer (File-er): User can store any type of information in their brain. These things will be stored forever and is quite useful for remembering things about patients and for breaking down theories.

"Is that how you remember things about your patients?"

"That and I have a psychology degree. Anyway enough about me. How is it being a pro hero?"

"I graduated a couple of years ago and I think I've learned a lot more since then, It's honestly interesting to watch those I knew in highschool grow so much even after we graduated."

She nodded in understanding her eyes wandering to outside the window. She squinted her eyes catching a large black figure on the horizon. Todoroki followed her gaze equally confused.

"What is that?" She mumbled setting down her cup and making her way over to the window. She opened the curtains further as a few more black dots appeared.

"Are those?"

She mumbled opening the door. The large amount of pro heroes made their way towards the cabin.

Todoroki appeared behind her, equally confused.

"Todoroki! Oh thank God! We thought you were dead!"

Deku yelled running over to them.

"We were the search party. But I see your fine. Who's this?'

Uraraka finished coming up behind Deku.

"This is Y/n. She offered me a place to stay since I couldn't make it home."

The pro heroes nodded as Y/n welcomed them inside.

Soon, her entire living room was filled to the brim with pro heroes of all ages.

"You couldn't have waited a day or two?" Todoroki hissed to Midoriya.

"Sorry! You know how we are! After Bakugou's incident in highschool we all got a bit worried."

"Oi, I thought we agreed to shut up about that shit!"

"Bakubro don't be rude! We're in a nice lady's house."

"Oh don't give me that bull shitty hair!"


"Bakugou what did we say about cussing!"


"Oh shut up! Not you too dunce face!"

Todoroki sighed bringing his fingers too his lips as a loud whistle rang through the cabin.

"I'm sure you were all just worried about me, but you are causing a great inconvenience to Y/n. So. Everyone out. NOW."

Todoroki watched from his perch beside Y/n as the rest of the pro heroes shuffled their way out of the door. Many waved, exchanging phone numbers with the girl.

"Geeze. Never thought I'd see all of them in one place."

"Yeah, they're tough to handle. Look, I gotta go, but maybe we can talk some other time?" He asked, handing her a small slip of paper with his own number on it.

"Yeah. I'd like that. Café Typhoon tomorrow at three?"

"See you then."

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