Bakugou Katsuki- wounds

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A/N: Readers hero name is Blitz,  In this your quirk is Soul bolt. You can move your body with waves of electricity, that includes cell phone waves, or pure electricity. This is after they graduate U.A. This includes mentions of blood and stuffs so. THIS ONES REALLY LONG!!


*warning light swearing*

It was during a mission to capture the L.O.V.

The mission group included Red Riot, Earphone jack, Ground Zero, Froppy, Pinky, Creati, Ingenium, Deku, Shoto, Cellophane, Uravity,  Charge Bolt and Blitz. This was a very big mission, and the heroes hoped it would put the L.O.V. out of business, for good.

There were three separate groups

The infiltration group: They are to get inside the newest base (they had to move a third time after they were discovered), distract them as much as possible while the second team carries out their plan. Consists of:

Red Riot, Froppy, Deku, and Shoto. Deku as team leader.

The rescue group: They are to hide inside the base and when the villains are distracted, bust out the hostages.  If anything is to go wrong with the infiltration group they are to call for backup. Consists of:

Creati, Earphone jack, Blitz and Uravity. Blitz as team leader.

The main backup team:  They are to be on standby incase the rescue team calls for them. If they are not called they are to be in contact with the rescue group anyway, if they are not able to hold off villains even then, they are to retreat and get in contact with senior pros. Consists of:

 Ingenium, Cellophane, Charge Bolt, and Ground Zero. Ingenium as team leader (Which Bakugou was not happy about, 1.) because he wasn't doing anything and 2.) because he wasn't in charge.) 


JAPAN 2048

(Y/N) slowly crept down the hallway her hand held up as if to symbol a 'stop' sign. The pro heroes behind her followed suit, their eyes darting around rapidly, quirks at the ready.

(Y/N) (also known as Blitz) used the electrical currents radiating from the lights to travel down the hallway before anyone could blink. She peeked around the corner and saw no villains, all she could see were hostages. She leaned down into her walkie talkie.

"I have the hostages in my sights. At least forty. All look in good health except for one. Blood coming from the shoulder, possibly a bullet wound." She kept it short and simple. Her hero costume began to blink signaling someone was near. She poked her head around the corner to see multiple villains harshly forcing the hostages to stand. She internally panicked. She quickly put three fingers up. 

Her fellow team members nodded and moved closer she put one finger down.


She hesitated before she put one more down.


She finally closed her hand in a fist and used the lights to land in the middle of all of the thugs that called themselves villains. She lifted her leg and kicked one in the back of the head. He fell to the ground eyes shut and head bleeding. The other thugs  turned quickly only to be attacked by the rest of the rescue group. 

Soon all of the thugs were effectively unconscious and tied up. they were hung from the beams in the ceiling in case one of them woke up and tried to stop the rescue.

Uravity and earphone jack began helping the hostages through an open window and out to where some healers were waiting. 

Everything was going, all of the hostages had been rescued, the heroes were winning.

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