Bakugou - hospital rooms (you can read now)

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Aizawa scanned his class as he spoke, his eyes wandering over each of his students concentrated faces.

He continued talking turning around to write something on the board. He picking up the chalk, pausing as a bad feeling washed over him, he looked over at the window, seeing other students peacefully walking outside.

He looked back at his also confused class.

"Uh, does anyone else have a really bad feeling...." Uraraka asked, raising her hand and receiving multiple agreements and nods in return.

Aizawa scanned the classroom again, noticing one student in particular.

"L/n, are you alright?" Aizawa asked, raising an eyebrow. The girl in question slowly lifted her head, large eyebagd underneath her eyes, a half lidded look.

"Just..., fine...." she whispered, blinking as she said her words. Bakugou shook his head standing up, he began to walk over to her. Picking up his pace as she began to sway in her seat.

Shoji stood up too, moving the few feet to be by her side.

"L/n, are you sure you're okay?" He asked.

She stayed quiet, her breathing becoming heavier.

"Get.... recovery girl-" she whispered, slumping out of her seat and landing in the outstretched arms of Jiro who had also made her way over.

"L/N!" Aizawa yelled running over.


All of class 1-A stared at their passed out friend, y/n was laid on a hospital bed, hooked up to multiple IVs and heart monitors.

Uraraka, sniffled, turning towards the door as she left with Mina.

Kirishima and Denki followed, multiple other students following.

Bakugou stood in the middle of the room, looking at the heart monitor.

"She's gonna be okay kid..." Aizawa whispered, resting a hand on his shoulder.

"We don't even know what happened to her though....."

"I'm not supposed to tell you this kid, but she... she doesn't sleep much because of her quirk, it's constantly effecting her and recently it's been effecting her eating habits.

"So.... shes malnourished..." Bakugou whispered to himself, feeling a ting of guilt for his oblivion.

He sighed to himself, sitting down on the chair next to her bed, watching as her face twitched occasionally. Aizawa gave Bakugou a look of sympathy, leaving the room to talk with the rest of the class.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Bakugou whispered, tilting his head to get a better look at Y/n. He shook his head, looking out the window to try and calm himself down.

"Bakugou! You can't do that! That's cheating my!" Y/n angrily yelled at the ash blonde as they played the video game on his console, earning a snicker in response as he turned to flip her off, she stuck her tongue out at him as he won the game.

He nudged her with his shoulder, earning a push in response he let out an 'oof' as his back hit the floor, Y/n laughing hysterically.

"Oi!" He hissed, grabbing her arm and yanking her to the floor as well.

"Ow!" She squeaked, glaring at him as she laid on top of him. He smiled looking into her eyes.

"You cheated."

Bakugou was brought out of his memories as a tear landed on his hand, he reached up to his face as more tears fell down his face.

"Oh god..." he whispered, trying to wipe them off as more fell.

"Bakugou." Aizawa called, walking through the door. The scruffy man froze as he saw Bakugou crying. He walked over to where Bakugou was sitting, squatting down to his eye level.

"Wh-What, old man.." Bakugou sobbed, trying to still sound angry.

"We're all worried kid... we understand. I know it's hard since she's your best friend. But you have to stay strong for her." Aizawa encouraged, ruffling Bakugou's hair as the boy nodded, trying to hide his puffy eyes.

Aizawa got up, leaving once again, to get a doctor for a diagnosis.

Bakugou looked up at her now peaceful face.

He shakily reached up, brushing some of her hair out of her face. He gulped, forcing down the second wave of tears.

The doctor knocked on the door, walking in as Bakugou stood up to leave.

"Actually, we'd like you to stay sir, we've been told you're her closest friend, and it would be best if she saw a familiar face when she woke up." The doctor explained, Bakugou hesitantly sat down again, watching as the doctors switched Y/n's IV.

She winced in her sleep, opening one eye, seeing Bakugou and the doctor.

"Oh... hey Kat..." she weakly greeted.

He waved, not getting too close as to not disturb the doctor's work. The doctor finished up, assigning her a prescription for later on when she was released.

The doctor left, leaving Bakugou and Y/n in the room.

"So why didn't you tell me." Bakugo I asked, breaking the long silence.

"I didn't want to worry you....."

"Y/n... you could have died, and no one would have known!"

"I know! I know.. okay..."

"look, I get that you don't want to be a bother.. but Y/n.. we all care.. I let my walls down for you, and if I lost you... I-I don't know what I'd do..." (how I feel about all 10.5K of you (: )

"Kat..." She whispered, watching as he began to pace the room, a few tears slipping down his face.

"Please, just...." Bakugou sighed. walking over to her bed.

"Just tell me next time.. okay?" he asked, grabbing her hand gently.

She yanked his arm, pulling him down as she placed a quick kiss on his lips.

"I'm feeling fine, I have no idea what you're talking about." She smirked. He glared, trying not to smile.

He cracked letting a small laugh escape from his chest.

"As long as you're feeling good... im good too."

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