6...Midoriya - massage

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All of class 1-a huddled onto the other two couches available, avoiding a certain one occupied by a certain hothead.

And no, it's not Bakugou this time.

Actually, even the blonde with red eyes was scared, he could see the absolute anger radiating off of his former friend, and current classmate, Y/n.

During training, her wings had gotten wet, causing her major pain, and she still had to train because Aizawa didn't take the fetal position for an answer.

Y/n stared at the wall across from her, occasionally throwing a halo hard enough to dent the wall, and scare her classmates.

Midoriya sighed from his place at the kitchen island, watching the interaction, he clicked his pen, not moving when a halo flew past his ear and hit the wall behind him.

"That pen is fucking annoying as shit. Quit it." All of class 1-a watched as Midoriya nodded, turning back to his notebook.

Bakugou slowly stood from the couch, speed walking towards the greenette he so lovingly hated.

"Do the thing from when we were kids." Bakugou whispered, ducking under the counter as a halo nearly hit him square in the forehead.

Midoriya shook his head, knowing exactly what Bakugou had in mind.

He picked up his notebook, walking towards the boy's dorm hallway, conveniently right behind where Y/n was sitting.

He faked fading footsteps, barely breathing as he approached Y/n from behind.

As he stood about a foot away from her, his hands flew to her back, gently massaging the muscle under her wings' base.

Y/n sucked in a breath to speak, her vision blurring as her head dipped her body going still as she flopped onto the couch.

Everyone in the room froze as Midoriya walked around the couch, lifting the unconscious girl into his arms.

"How the hell did you do that?" Todoroki deadpanned, standing to follow Midoriya down the girl's hall, most of the class in tow, while others sat in shock.

"When bird brain used to get water on her wings as kids, and she couldn't fucking fall asleep, Deku would do that and she would just, like, fucking die."

"She's not dead Kachaan, but you'll be if you wake her up."

"Is that a threat?!"

"No, it's a warning. Now be quiet, I don't want to deal with her being mad at me too."

Bakugou scoffed.

"We both know that isn't possible, dipshit. She likes you too much."

Y/n turned in Midoriya's arms, burying her face into his chest.

She mumbled something in her sleep that only Midoriya seemed to hear, laughing to himself as he pushed open her dorm room, closing the door behind him so no one else followed.

"Bakugou, is she, uhm, how do I say this... Sensitive?"

"Nope, poke her in the neck and she's deck you in the fucking face, which is entertaining by itself, but the base of her wings, goddamn, might as well use chloroform or some shit. Don't get any ideas, she's only ever let Deku do it. She freaked the fuck out on a highschooler while we were in our second year of middle school, I had to get her to pass out, so I did it, it worked, but when she woke up she beat the shit out of me, I woulda died if my old hag hadn't of done it again."

"What did you just say?!"

"I said what are you? A chicken? You've got the wings to prove it." The highschooler cockily responded to the girl.

Y/n's eye twitched, a sadistic smirk appearing on her face as she rolled up her sleeve a halo appearing in her hand.

"Alright fuckass, get over here, I'll show you chicken." Bakugou watched from the side lines as he was overwhelmed with a sense of danger. He frantically looked around the corner of the school for Midoriya, cursing to himself as he realized the green headed boy was out for vacation with his mother.

He made his way back to the fight, watching as the two school kids used their quirks illegally in a fight.

'If she fucking gets caught it'll go on my record.'

Bakugou's body moved on it's own as the thought popped into his head.

He crept up behind the girl as she stood above a (very) bruised sophomore, threatening him once more.

Bakugou's hand reached forward rubbing the small muscle on her back, and his arms reaching out to catch her as she fell back into his arms, going almost as unconscious as the boy she had just beaten the shit out of.

Bakugou huffed to himself, cursing under his breath as he dragged the girl down the street to his nearby house.



"UH, WE GOT A PROBLEM!" Bakugou yelled back at his mother, setting the girl down on his couch.

She rolled over on the couch, eventually rolling onto the floor and hitting it with a loud 'thump' just as Mitsuki walked into the room.

Y/n's eyes fluttered open, her brain recalling the previous events.


Bakugou shuddered as he recalled the childhood memory.

"So your mother knows how to do it too?"

"Oh yeah, both Inko and my old hag know, but Bird brain still gets mad, she just doesn't vocalize it because she wants to be rEsPeCtFuL." Bakugou mocked.

"So she only let's Midoriya touch her? That seems... unusual. That seems like a trust only partners would have."

"Icyhot, she's in love with the loser, duh, no shit, they've been dating for a year."

"Wait, What?"

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