Shoto Todoroki - Horror movies and nightmares

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Ah movie night...

A few girls of 2-a had decided that a movie night on every Wednesday in the dorms was mandatory. After their previous year of mishaps and torturous events they thought it was an amazing idea!

It would be held in a different person's dorm each night, depending on who volunteered the previous movie night.

Right now most of class 2-a was gathered in Mina's dorm watching movies.

They all shared light criticism of the movie as Mina rummaged through her large collection.

"Oh! Oh! How about a horror movie!"

The eruption of cheers overpowered a single 'no' in the crowd of teens.

She sighed accepting the fate she bas bestowed. She wrapped the blanket tighter around her as she prepared mentally for the torture she was sure to endure.

Mina popped the movie in as everyone settled. Todoroki returned with the newest batch of popcorn and resumed his place next to the girl huddled so tightly in her blanket.

He raised a brow, questioning her.

"They put in a horror movie..." She whispered scooting a tad bit closer to him. He nodded in understanding as one arm slung across her shoulders in a protective manner.

She burrowed into his side, trying to find a place she could easily turn to block her view of the screen. He moved his hand to her head, ready to cover her eyes at any moment.

She turned her head a a stupid American teenager entered an abandoned house followed by their idiot friends.

She could hear the screams and surprised yelps coming from both the TV and her classmates. She flinched burying her face farther into his side as he blankly stared at the scene before him. His stoic nature kicking in.

"Hey, babe, do you wanna leave and cuddle in my dorm?" He whispered being as blunt as always. He felt the nod in his side, and slid his hands beneath her thighs picking her up with ease.

Her classmates turned a blind eyes as Todoroki stepped over them and went back to his own dorm.

She sighed in relief, wrapping her arms around his neck and nuzzling into the crook of it as they made their way down the hall.

He placed a small kiss on her forehead as he opened the door to his dorm closing it with his foot.

He sat down on his bed leaning against the wall and stroking her hair soothingly. She curled up against him her brain wandering as she blankly stared at his free hand, her fingers tracing the shapes and folds of it. (I don't know if other people do that, but it's really calming if it's not your own hand, I don't know why though)

He smiled thanking God she was in his life. She had helped him through so much regarding his family and such, and she had never asked for much in return.

She yawned her movements slowing to a stop as her breathing evened out becoming long sighs and soft snores.

He softly moved her so her head was resting on his chest and his arms slid around her waist, as he too drifted into dreamland.

Todoroki looked around confused.

He was floating? In a large void of black. He strained to hear something only being met with the deafening sound of silence.

His eyes narrowed as he carefully surveyed his surroundings.

'Where am I'

A soft glowing resonated from below him and he looked down to find the source.

His breathing sped as his eyes fell upon the graphic scene before him.

The villain Shigaraki-that they had previously detained- was holding y/n in the air by her throat, three fingers lifted.

She clawed desperately for air, her other injuries forgotten.

She had a stab wound in her stomach and multiple large shards of glass piercing her legs. She had a large wound on the side of her head too.

Blood dripped off of her plentifully. Todoroki tried to reach for her but was held back by the other members of the league they had also detained. He struggled against them as Shigaraki slowly put one finger down.

Then another.

Todoroki watched in horror as the last finger came to rest on his girlfriends neck. Her body went limp as Shigaraki dropped her, letting his quirk do the work for him.

Todoroki was let go as he rushed to her side his hands cupping her cheeks gingerly as her throat slowly decayed.

"You could have saved me Shoto"

"You are just like your father..."

Todoroki awoke with a large gasp as he coughed desperately for air. He looked down seeing his girlfriend still there as the sun poked through his curtains.

He smiled still breathing heavily, as he tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. Her eyes fluttered open and she looked up to be met with the tear stained face of her lovely boyfriend.

She sat up quickly her hand resting on his shoulders for support.

"Sho! What's wrong?! Did you have a nightmare?!" She asked worriedly earning a chuckle from him.

"It's alright babe. It wasn't as bad as last time." She winced remembering how she had to physically restrain him after he woke up.

"Thank God..." She whispered leaning her forehead against his.

"We should probably get ready for school before Aizawa gives us another detention."

"Oh shit!"


Todoroki held her hand gingerly as they walked through the mall. His eyes scanned the small crowd that had gathered around them.

He looked for anything interesting as he watched, his eyes caught something purple as a very familiar scarred man gave him a smile and a wave.

He furrowed his brows as the man mouthed an

'I'm sorry' and walked away.

"What the-"

A/n: Sorry this was short! I just needed to post and keep my streak going. Quarantine has really been helping with the writing thing!

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