Kamanari Denki - coffee run

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A/n: Police officer A.U. You are a barista with your own café. This comes with a small side of Kiribaku.

*Um, Idk, weird guy who wants reader, and uh, hurt people?**

My body swayed to the tune on the radio as I opened up my café for the day. I smiled brightly as a few early regulars walked in, some walked to the counter, and the others walked to a table, pulling out their books and laptops.

"Good morning Claudia, has Japan been good to you?" I asked my first customer.

"Yes actually, I get quite a few compliments on my hair." She responded gesturing to her rainbow dyed hair. She's an American, and was a transfer student with the plan of being a doctor. I made her coffee and went along with the rest of my customers.

'Mei is reading her twelfth book this week in the corner.

Claudia left to go back to work.

Okaia decided to have a bagel and frappe instead of a donut and black coffee.

Mom bought some snacks to take to her Izuku at work.

This new guy going by Dabi bought, like, twelve coffees and said they were for 'crazy, twice, handy man, big sis,' and some other people.'

I was checking off my customers to see if anyone was missing(it's almost like taking stock since most of my regulars never miss coffee.) When Bakugou walked in.

He was Izuku's 'friend' and kept in contact with us as we got older. My smile faltered when I noticed he had at least three friends with him.

"Oh, hi Katsuki Senpai, I didn't know you had friends."

"Well hello to you to dipshit. And first of all, this one is my boyfriend-" he said pointing to the red headed one. (I stg if I see any comments about this I'm going to murder someone)

"And these are HIS friends." I chuckled.

"Well then, nice to meet you guys! Separate or together?" I asked pulling out my notebook.

"Me and Kiri are together. Pikachu and soy sauce are separate." I snorted at Bakugou's stupid nicknames for his friends.

"The usual?" I asked my blonde friend, he nodded.

"And what about you three?"

"I'll have a caramel frappe and a maple donut." Kat's boyfriend asked. I nodded pulling up their order.

"seven dollars please." Bakugou handed me the money and sat in one of the larger tables waiting for his 'friends'.

Next was the black haired one.

"I'll have a bagel please." I nodded.

"Name?" "Sero."

The 'Pikachu' boy was next.

"I'll have a green tea. And add a donut because you're cute." He said with a wink.

I giggled.

"Name?" "Kamanari."

I nodded and got to work on their drinks. I brought the drinks and food over to their table because of how much there was.

I was cleaning one of the front windows when a new customer walked in.

"Hi there sir, what can I get you."

"Your number baby." He said with a seductive smirk.

I smiled awkwardly, glancing over at Bakugou. He had his eyes trained on the guy. Bakugou's instinct is normally right so I took a step back, feeling a bit uncomfortable with our close proximity.

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