Mustard - back in business *Small drabble*

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This is a request from @VikingPower6! Thank you for the request! I made sure to go back and rewatch the episodes he was in, to see EXACTLY what his personality was like. + some overprotective Dabi on the side.

This takes place after they had broken Mustard out.

QUIRK: Witch

Y/n leaned back onto the counter, swishing around her (fav soda) in a wine glass. She took a sip, jumping when the door slammed open.

"Jeeze crusty, you don't have to be so damn aggressive." She hissed as the rest of the league walked through the door.

"When the hell did you get back?" Shigaraki hissed back. Earning a smirk in response.

"Oh~ you know~ yesterday-" she started being cut off by a dry hand wrapping around her throat.

"You got back yesterday.... and you didn't help with the mission!?" Shigaraki hissed, his three fingers tightening around her throat.

"I-I I was kidding! I got back t-this morning." She explained, gasping for air as Shigaraki dropped her to the floor.

"Pathetic." He mumbled.

Y/n stood up, wandering back to her room, she pulled a bottle of water out from her secret backpack, chugging it quickly.

She sighed, walking over to the mirror as she examined the multiple bruises.

There was a knock on the door, she whipped around quickly kicking the backpack under her bed.

Mustard walked in, waving at her as he sat down on her bed.

"Oh, hey, didn't realise they had gotten you guys back." She coughed out. He shrugged, standing back up to examine her posters.

"I didn't know they made Stain posters, peculiar." He inquired, bringing a hand up to tap his chin.

Y/n shrugged.

"You might want to keep that one hidden from Spinner, he had to make his own and he is not happy with how it turned out." Mustard snickered, Y/n rolled her eyes, shuffling through her closet, she walked back over to him, removing the stain poster from her wall and replacing it with a scratched up all might one. She walked over to her dresser, picking up a dart and aiming perfectly at his face.

Mustard flinched as a loud thunk rang out, he looked his eyes widening as she saw the pin pointed accuracy.

He followed Y/n into the hall, watching from a safe distance as she knocked on Spinner's door.

"Spinner! Open up! I know you're in there!" She called knocking a little louder, the door swung open, revealing spinner in his night clothes.

"What." he hissed at her, she rolled her eyes, lifting her hand to show him the poster.

"Mustard told me about your need for a poster, so I figured I'd let you have mine." She explained, handing him the large photo, his eyes lit up as he engulfed her in a hug. She whispered in Latin, sighing in relief as spinner's eyes turned white watching as he slumped to the floor, she used her foot to push him back into his room, closing the door easily.

She turned back towards mustard yawning as they walked back to her room, she flopped onto her bed, pulling a deck of cards out of her pocket.

"(card game)?" She asked the other boy. He nodded sitting down next to her as she sat back up dealing the cards.

As they played Y/n grew more and more tired, nearly falling asleep during the game if it weren't for a few spells she had cast.

She flopped to the side sighing as mustard began to deal the next round. He looked over, stopping as he saw her peaceful state, he noticed a few bruises on her neck, realizing what must have happened. He sighed, picking up all of the cards and putting them back into a neat deck, he set them on the dresser, covering Y/n in a blanket as he turned off the lights.

"goodnight." He whispered, before shutting the door, he shoved his hands into his pockets turning back around to be met with the harsh glare of Dabi.

"if you hurt her I will fucking murder you."

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