Midoriya - kidnapped

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*light mention of blood and angst but fluffy in the end, instead of Bakugou being kidnapped you were**

Jeeze I'm writing a lot of 'kidnapped' chapters........

Quirk: Icy fire: user can either make freezing cold fire, or burning hot ice, both substances appear blue.


Y/n slowly brushed her teeth, memories of 'the' day flashing harshly through her head.

Toga threw her knife perfectly. Slicing the side of Y/n's neck.

"Ah!" She screamed, her knees buckling beneath her.
"Y/n!" Midoriya called, running towards her.
"Ooh~ that's suuuch a pretty name! We're gonna be best friends!" Toga teased, skipping closer.
"Get away from me!"

She furiously shook her head trying to rid her mind of those thoughts. A few more flashed past her eyes, causing her heart to seemingly stop for a moment.

Everyone watched in terror as the burnt villain yanked Y/n through the warp gate her hand desperately reaching towards them.

There was a knock on the door, pulling her away from her terrorising thoughts.

"Yes?" She whispered opening the bathroom door. She looked up to see the calm face of a certain dual haired boy.

"Shouto! Uh hi. Um.... what are you doing here?" She awkwardly asked trying to discreetly wipe her tears.

He gently pulled her wrist away from her face, he wiped the tears with his other hand, pulling her into a hug.

"I know, even Bakugou was traumatised, but you.... it must be tearing you apart." She nodded into him, clutching his shirt tightly.

"Why don't we meet up with the others.... it might help." She nodded, following him to the common room where most of the class was.

She shyly waved, taking her seat next to Midoriya.

"Hey Y/n!" Midoriya greeted, smiling widely. She gave a small smile back, turning back to the conversation.

"That black haired guy was really weird looking!" Mina mentioned.

Y/n paused, glancing down at her shaking hands.

"Yeah, and he was super burnt too!" Kamanari jumped in.

Y/n tried to take deep breaths, glancing over at her brother, he seemed to have noticed her, beginning to make his way over.

"Y/n." Midoriya whispered catching her attention, she gulped tilting her head to see him.

He offered a hand, allowing her to take it. He led her back to her room, her brother having to stay back and scold the others for mentioning the attack.

He sat her down in the bed, his hand remaining in a tight grip.

"Y/n." Midoriya asked through her tears.


"Can you count to ten for me?"

"I-I guess. One.. t-two. Three four f-five six seven e-eight nine ten.." she whispered, her breaths starting to return back to normal.

"Alright good. Now can you breath in through your nose?"

She took a deep breath.

"And out through your mouth..."

She sighed. Seeming to have a normal breathing cycle again.

"How do you feel?"


"That's good, you did great!" He reassured. She nodded, wiping away her tears again.

He let go of her hand, gently pulling her into a hug. She nuzzled into his shoulder, causing a red to spread across his face. Even if he had had been dating her for a while it was still embarrassing.

He patted her back, letting her go as he stood up.

"Are you gonna be okay alone? I'm going to go get some snacks so we can watch a movie okay?"

She nodded, leaning back into her bed. Her room was almost the opposite of her twin brother's, it was full of pictures and other memories. Her bed was an American style day bed in the color white with (f/c) sheets and a bright (second f/c) comforter.

She pulled her laptop out of her nightstand, opening it up and scrolling through Netflix. She found a movie she liked, opening it up and pausing it before it could start.

She grabbed her favorite blanket out of her closet. Wrapping it around her legs. She looked up as the door opened, moving over so Midoriya could sit next to her. He handed her a bowl of popcorn and a pack of (favorite candy bar).

"Thanks." She stated, kissing him on the cheek as she pressed play on the movie. He flushed red, his arm swiftly wrapping around her waist in a comforting manner.


Shouto made his way towards his sister's dorm, he knocked, furrowing his eyebrows when there was no answer. He opened the door, freezing when he saw his best friend and twin sister cuddling.

"Oh hell no-" he started being pulled back by Kina and Denki as they took pictures.

"Leave them alone Todoroki kun!" Mina hissed.

"Fine." Shouto grumbled, forcing himself to walk away.

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