Mezo Shoji - Insecurities

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A/N: This includes insecurities and suicidal thoughts if you have suicidal thoughts please get help, they just make for a great story line. I feel really bad for this but I have to make a character a bad guy so... NEW OCs!! Your quirk in this is angel wings. You sit behind Bakugou Midoriya where Mineta used to sit, because I needed that for the plot, lets say Mineta sits in the corner because I still need him for the story. 

Oka , quirk: sheep, she has very fluffy ear and can climb particularly well, she has fluffy orange hair and teal eyes. Her hair is in space buns.

Reiko, Quirk: Shadow eyes. She can basically move shadows with her mind, but they can't do anything. They just contort or become darker. her hair is a bright purple and her eyes are a deep red. She has wavy hair.

*Light swearing*

Your wings are white and give a slight glow when you are happy, you can fly, however you get tired quickly and you can make small halos appear. They are light and durable, and explode  or wrap around victim on impact. You can make up to 45 when not flying but can only make 30 when flying. They also return to you if you hold out your hand (just like Thor and his hammer.)

I let out a deep sigh as I walked down the hall. 

'another day of more comparisons, cruel jokes and laughing directed at me.'

I thought as I watched all of the very pretty girls walk by. I could hear snickers and whispering as I walked by Reiko and Oka.

They mad fun of me more than the others. I just dealt with it. They would shoot me down right away if I ever said anything.

I walked into my class and sat down, my wings unfolding from behind me to cover myself. Bakugou sat in front of me and turned around.

"Hey, halo. You got a pencil for me to borrow. Shitty hair and Dunce face broke all of mine after seeing who could split the most in eight seconds." I nodded and handed him one he turned back around and as soon as the teacher  walked in. I folded my wings back behind me only to feel the stares of all of my female class mates.

Reasons they hate me number 1.) Bakugou is nice to me because I've known him since childhood.

I lowered my head and payed attention to the lesson as best as I could. My wings twitched from nervousness. Midoriya seemed to notice and tapped my shoulder, I turned. He mouthed an 'are you ok?' and I simply responded with a nod.

Reasons they hate me number 2.) Guys pay attention to me, even though I don't want it.

I could feel the burning glares grow more intense and almost started to have a panic attack right then and there.

I looked back at the teacher trying to calm my breathing. I rapidly took notes in an attempt to distract myself. I could feel the tears beginning to form in my eyes and almost let them through until the bell rung.

I let out a shaky breath. I shoved my notebook in my bag and briskly walked out of the classroom.


 I sat at the corner table and pulled out my sketchbook.

I never ate a lunch since it just made me sick to even think about food.

I sketched a small picture of a robin before flipping the page, I drew a small scene of a girl in a garden surrounded by roses. I smiled contentedly, not even realizing the very tall figure who had sat across from me.

"That's very good." He said nonchalantly.

I squeaked.

"Well shit Shoji you scared the crap out of me."

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