Hawks- Parrot? *sd*

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Hawks smiled as a young woman walked up to him holding a small notebook.

"Can I have and autograph?" She asked, sheepishly, lifting the two year old holding her hand into her arms.

"Pawwet? (Parrot)" The kid spoke, Hawks eyes shot up a small chuckle escaping him.

"He is not a parrot!" The woman defended, laughing at her young kid.

"No it's okay-" Hawks tried.

"He's hawks." The woman explained, pointing at him.

"Haks?" The two year old questioned.


The woman, sighed apologizing.

"No, No, it was adorable. How old are they?"

"Two. They've been a handful lately." She awkwardly smiled, setting her down on the ground as she gripped their hand.

"We'll be out of your hair now." She smiled, beginning her walk away as she took the notebook.

Hawks hesitated.

"Wait!" He called, the woman turned around smiling at the hero running after her.

"Can we get a coffee sometime?" He asked, rubbing the back of his neck.

The woman's eyes widened.

"Well first you have to know our names." She laughed.

"That's Kirou, and I'm Y/n."

"That's a pretty name." Hawks flirted.

Y/n rolled her eyes.

"Here's my number, call me sometime." Hawks smirked, scribbling it down on a small piece of paper from a pamphlet nearby.


"Mirko I'm not even kidding your best friend gave me his number and asked me out." Y/n vented, opening the door to her roommate's bedroom. The pro hero sat up on her bed raising an eyebrow.


"Yes Hawks!" Y/n whined, setting Kirou down in their crib.

"Get it girl. He doesn't ask for many numbers these days."

"Oh hush."

Y/n flinched as she pulled her phone out of her pocket.

Mirko, shook her head. Pulling out her own phone and dialing his number.

"Bitch, come to my apartment."

"Is your roommate finally home?"

"Yep. Want you to meet her."

"Kay, be there in ten."

Y/n's jaw dropped.

"Did you just tell him to come here?" She hissed. running a hand through her hair.

"I'm gonna die. Kirou called him a parrot!"


"It's not funny!"

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