Bakugou - Fish nets *sd*

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Bakugou stared down at the water, watching as his friends/crewmen hoisted a fishing net over the side of the ship. Kamanari and Sero let go of the net, holding onto one side as they waited for the tug of fish.

Kamanari almost flew overboard as a large tug pulled on the net.

"Backup!" He and Sero called, Bakugou vaulted the banister of the upper deck, landing with a thud as he helped them pull the net out of the water.

As the net flopped over the edge of the ship, everyone froze in place.

It was definitely not a fish.

It was a woman with a rather large tail, similar to that of an orca's. she was unconscious, bleeding from her side.

"Step aside." Baku you barked at his crew, folding open the net as the mermaid's eyes opened.

She slowly sat up, her hand immediately grabbing her bleeding side as the pain soaked into her nerves.

She looked at the large group around her, eyes narrowing as Bakugou slowly kneeled in front of her shaking form, reaching out a hand.

She took it, showing off a large set of sharp teeth as she smiled at him.

"Well that's not something you see everyday." Bakugou mumbled.

Kirishima tilted his head, watching in curiosity as she babbled on in her own language.

"what is your name?" He asked.

"Y/n!" She responded back, happy to hear someone speaking her language.

"You speak meer and you didn't tell us?" Mina question, huffing as Kirishima nodded.

Kirishima smiled as she spoke a few sentences to him, raising her finger to point at Bakugou.

"She says you would look good as a killer whale."

"Is that an insult?" Sero asked.

"She basically said he's really hot."

"That's adorable!" Mina cooed.

"Let her go." Bakugou spoke making the final decision as he stood up, glancing back at her as his crewmembers lifted her to the side making sure she was ready to go back into the water.


Bakugou leaned over the edge of the ship glaring at the docks as people walked by, talking all too loudly.

He liked the ocean for it's peace, though most of the time his crew interrupted him. His head snapped to the water again as a large splashing sounded.

"Let me go!"

He knew that voice, he ran down the ramp attached to the boat, his head swiveling as he listened for her voice again.

"Tie her up!" A man yelled. Bakugou swiftly turned sprinting towards the group of men surrounding the mermaid.

Bakugou crashed through them picking her up quickly jumping off the dock and into the water as he ripped open his belt pulling out his knife as he forced himself to hold his breath, the salt water stinging his eyes, he flipped open the knife cutting open the fishing net wrapped around her fin as she stared in shock.

His eyes started to cloud black as he cut the last but of rope, closing his eyes as her fin was finally free.

The crewmen began jumping into the water, reaching for Bakugou's unconscious body.

She growled showing her sharp teeth again as she grabbed his arm, pulling him away from the men.

She looked around noticing his docked boat.

"Jump." She whispered to herself hoisting his arms over her shoulders and mustering the strength to leap out of the water and onto the boat.

She laid him down, wincing as she saw the large knife slash on his side. She rolled him over, pushing harshly on his stomach as the crew ran over.

Mina kneeled down, hitting Bakugou's back as he suddenly began to cough up water, gasping for air as his vision returned.

He finally took a deep breath coughing as he rolled onto his back.

"That kind of hurt." He joked lifting himself to his knees. As he winced at the cut on his side.

He suddenly remembered the crewmen chasing them.

"Out of port. NOW." He demanded, beginning to help the crew pull the ship out of dock.


Bakugou sighed in relief as the boat pulled away from the dock, safely out on the open sea.

For now.

He limped his way back towards the bored looking Mermaid leaning against a barrel, playing with a few sea shells Mina had given her.

He sat down next to her, ignoring his blood soaked side.

She smiled as he sat down, handing him one of the sea shells.

"She gave you a gift! That basically courting for mermaids!" Kirishima called from the sails(?) Bakugou smirked, pulling a small pouch of pearls from his belt, handing her one.

Her face lit up her large sharp toothed smile lighting up the area.

"This'll be fun."

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