Todoroki - recovery girls test

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THE BEGINNING IS (very very) LOOSELY BASED OFF OF THE VIDEO ABOVE. Please check this person out they are absolutely amazing and I love them, (legit the reason I sleep at night.)

Reader is Izuku's twin sister.

Quirk: Pyrokinesis. The ability of manipulate and control fire. User can not create flames and can only use existing ones. User often asks Bakugou to create small explosions she can play with when she is nervous.

Reader is in class 1-c, with Shinsou for example.

Midoriya sighed as he walked through the door of recovery girl's office. It was basically his first time being there, NOT being hurt.

He waited for Todoroki to arrive, looking down at the notes he could barely even read. He had been training for too long and had forgotten about recovery girls test.

The door opened as Todoroki walked in. Midoriya waved, gesturing for him to come over. Recovery girl waddled over to them, handing them the clipboard they needed to fill out.

"Alrighty boys, your patient will be a class 1-c student, she's in bed four." Recovery girl, stayed pointing towards the second room. Midoriya nodded, walking over to the doorway, he prayed it wasn't anyone his sister cared about, or she would actually kill someone.

He walked over to the bed his eyes scanning the large amount of papers they needed to fill out. He looked up freezing when he saw who was in the bed.

"Y/n, I swear if mom finds out we are BOTH in here regularly she is going to kill us!" Midoriya began a long rant blocking out his sister's giggling.

Her (long short medium) (h/c)ish green hair was pulled up into a hairstyle similar to her mother's. Her (e/c) eyes sparkled, as she snorted. Her eye color was inherited from her father (I ain't seen the man yet I don't know what the hell he looks like.)

Todoroki paused, his eyes flickering between the two bickering students.

'Freckles, sort of green hair, similar personality, eye shape, hair texture-'

Y/n finally cut her brother off from his lecture.

"Geez, why the hell cant you leave me be for once, you're only a minute older than me!"

"That's because I'm your brother and that's my job!"

"You don't get payed though!"

"Yeah you do! In hatred and annoyance!"

"That's fucking bullshit!"

Todoroki was startled his friend had just cursed!

"Uhhhh, Midoriya?!" He asked in shock.

"Oh! Uh.... Todoroki.... kinda forgot you were there. This is my sister, I kind of get more like Kacchan when I'm around her..."

Todoroki hesitantly nodded, glancing over his shoulder. Midoriya sighed, glaring at Y/n.

"Let's get started I guess..."


Y/n sat down giving a quick smile as she gulped down the lump in her throat. Her breathing was heavy, her mind racing.

"Y/n... what's wrong?" Midoriya whispered to her catching Bakugou and Todoroki's attention from other tables.

"I-I-..." she stuttered, a single tear rolling down her cheek.

"Hey... it's ok. Let's go outside..."

"N-No, please don't!" She begged.

"Y/n I need you to tell em what happened..."

Bakugou quickly stood up upon seeing her massive amount of distress. His friends watched in confusion as he quickly made his way across the cafeteria.

"Hey, squirt, you need an explosion?...." he offered kneeling beside her, she nodded quickly.

She flicked the small flame between her fingers, calming down quickly.

"There was man outside and he looked awfully familiar. And then I realised... that was the man on the news during usj..."

Midoriya and Bakugou exchanges glances, their eyes wide.

"What?!" Bakugou whispered, his own anxiety kicking in.

"Guys! Guys! I can't deal with two of you panicking at once!" Midoriya worriedly said.

Todoroki got up making his way over.

"Hey..." he whispered to Y/n as Midoriya calmed Bakugou down.

He held out his left hand, a smaller flame erupting catching the girls attention, she reached out, grabbing it as if it were a marble.

She sighed in content as the group stood up, making their way towards the principle's office.

They explained the situation, watching as Nezu immediately sent out a search team to find the villains.

Todoroki kept producing flames for the girl every time one faded away.

"Thank you. That really helped..." she thanked, still playing with a new flame.

"It's ok, if do it anytime." He responded, a small smile playing on his face.

"It's was nice talking to you, even if we were in that kind of situation."

"You're right, it was nice. Maybe we can talk against some other time."

"Yeah! Sure! Here's my number! Text me later and we can talk then."

"Thanks, knight just do that." He responded waving as he began his walk back to the dorms.

She let out a breath of relief turning around to be meet with the twitching eyes and crackling hands of her brother and childhood best friend.

"Guys! I, uh. I can explain!"


"I'm going to murder Todoroki one day..."

"You guys better not!"

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