Bakugou - hand holding and villain fights *Sd*

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Angst bitches
Quirk: Terra ( but different :), user can control the earth if she can simply see it or visualize it in their head.

Bakugou's fingers sneakily intertwined with Y/n's as the rest of their class walked further ahead, occasionally walking into stores of the large mall.

Y/n's other hand held a small bag, filled with various (treats/candies/goodies) for when Bakugou and Y/n were to sneak out later that night.

The rest of their class turned into the food court, splitting up to grab food from different vendors and chains.

Bakugou lifted his free hand, pointing at a corner store, selling two scoops for one ice cream.

"We should-" he was cut off by a large explosion near the store they had just been in.

"Toga! I told you to ignite it while they were inside!"

"But I want to kill them myself!"

Bakugou froze as the scarred villain came into sight, Y/n pushed him behind her creating walls of earth around the civilains closing off the food court to the villains.

"Aw come on! Not that one!"


"The one with the earth quirk. Kill her first." Dabi demanded the other villains.

Y/n prepared herself, standing back to back with Bakugou as the villains circled them.

"Leaf blower?" Y/n suggested, raising her hand towards a pine tree.

"Leaf blower." Bakugou responded, several sharp needles came their way, being blasted towards the villains by multiple explosions.

"Heads." Y/n called, as a rock burst from the ground, flying at the villains and crashing into them.

"Whelp, I said heads." She snickered, turning to the rest of the villain group.

There stood Toga, Dabi, Twice, and Shigaraki covered in Pine needles and ash.

"You little-" Dabi hissed, raising his hand, he shoved it towards them, freezing as no flames erupted.

"Better luck next time." Aizawa called from above a Terra wall.

Bakugou used their distraction to blast Toga across the mall, watching as she hit the windows of a large store, whining as she landed hard on the glass and floor.

Aizawa's scarf wrapped around Twice, throwing him to the same place Toga was, simply the other window, the same whining and crashing as before.

Bakugou and Y/n stood up taller, glaring at Shigaraki.

"Well you are nasty brats aren't you." He hissed at them, slowly moving towards them as Aizawa was preoccupied with the others.

"You're Y/n right? With the terra quirk." He continued, Y/n stiffened as Bakugou's hands crackled.

"Take another step, I dare you." Bakugou shot back, lifting his hands as Y/n prepared to add a large chunk of stone to his blast.

"Oh I don't think so."

Shigaraki sinisterly smiled as he disappeared in a portal.

Y/n and Bakugou's heads snapped around, trying to figure out where he would appear.

Y/n froze as a hand wrapped around her throat.

"Well, well, looks like you have your hands tied." Shigaraki chuckled as Bakugou's eyes widened.

"Let her go."

"Only if you come with us."

Y/n elbowed Shigaraki's face pushing him to the ground as a large boulder shoved him deeper into the ground.

She fell to her knees holding her elbow as it began crumbling.

"Y/n!" Bakugou ran over kneeling next to her as Aizawa ran over, letting the police deal with the villains.

Aizawa's hair lifted as the crumbling stopped.

"H-Hey," Y/n laughed, wincing in pain.

"Matching scars-" She giggled as she fell forward into Bakugou's arms.c

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