Bakugou - adorable

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Quirk: Soul bolt. User can travel through electricity. Any type. Cellphone signals, wall outlets and other such things work too. User's clothes and Items they are carrying travel too.

Bakugou's nickname for you is sparks cuz of ^^

Bakugou stared at the h/c haired girl from his desk.

She chatted away happily with her friends, cracking a couple of jokes that made him slightly smile.

"Yo, Bakubro, you good? You've been staring at L/n chan for the past few minutes." Kirishima knocked Bakugou out of his thought abruptly.

Bakugou scoffed rolling his eyes.

"No, I was looking out the window shitty hair, leave me alone." Though the girl was standing in front of the window, Bakugou's excuses were used in vain.

He turned back to his neglected homework, his pen scratching the paper every so often.

He finished each problem quickly, his mind focused and on track.

He set down his pen, turning his attention back to the girl. He got lost in thought again, only being brought back by the bell. He shoved his items into his bag and stomped to the cafeteria.

He stood in line with the 'extras' his eyes scanning the menu, though he knew he would get his usual spicy plate.

"Bakugou, hey!" He turned to see his squad led by a certain girl he admired. He rolled his eyes turning back around.

Y/n hopped on his back causing him to stumble a bit.

His hands went to her legs steadying them before he growled.

"What the hell?!" He hissed.

"Oh, sorry Bakugou, I'm just really tired and you're really strong so I assumed you could handle it." She grinned at him her arms wrapping around his neck gently.

"Of fucking course I can." He mumbled, tuning out the conversation between his friends.

As he got closer to the counter he fished out his wallet as best he could, only being able to grab it as he walked to the counter.

He ordered, allowing the girl on top of him to order too. He pulled out double the money paying for both of their meals.

"Bakugou you didn't have to do that." She whispered, ignoring her conversation for a small time.

"Tch, I didn't do it to be nice or anything." He grumbled. She giggled knowing he was just being himself while being charming at the same time.

They waited for their friends, waiting in a comfortable silence.

"Hey L/n chan~" A small voice whispered, Bakugou turned so the girl could see, he looked around seeing no one.

"Down here." He looked down to see Mineta. His blood began to boil knowing exactly where this was going.

"You should let me touch your-" Mineta was cut of when Bakugou foot hit him in the stomach as hard as it could.

Mineta skidded across the floor catching the attention of a few passerby's.

"Thanks Bakugou~" She said calmly, glad that was over before it started.

Kirishima came up next to them, watching Mineta limp away to recovery girl.

"Why'd you kick him so hard, normally you don't care." He asked one eyebrow raised.

Bakugou glared as y/n giggled, the vibrations from her chest sending shivers down Bakugou's spine.

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