8...Bakugou - radio show

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"The delinquents are a rising band that have absolutely demolished popularity charts! How did they rise to the top so quickly? Well, we're here with the guitarist and drummer to find out!" The host of the radio show turned to see Y/n and Bakugou. Bakugou was leaned away from the mic, one arm over the back of Y/n's chair, his headphones off of one ear, a disinterested look on his face. Whereas Y/n was leaning her elbow on the table, her headphones blocking out all noises except for the voice of the talk show host.

"So! You, Y/n, are the guitarist, who would you say is the best."

"Oh definitely Bakugou, don't mean to stroke his ego, but it's true."

"Oh shut up strings, we both know I was born with talent, but you mastered the guitar a month before you joined the band. That's- uh- impressive." Bakugou smugly replied, faltering as he thought he couldn't curse.

"Oh! So you guys are in this whole, uh, fuck what's it called-"

"Wait, we can curse?" Bakugou asked, relieved.

"Yeah! Feel free, but try to keep it to a minimum of one per sentence."

"Oh thank fuck." Bakugou finished, causing Y/n to laugh.

"I almost forgot to ask, where did the nickname 'strings' come from? Is it just because you're a guitarist?"

"Oh I love this story!" Y/n smiled, turning to look at Bakugou as he rolled his eyes.

"So basically, we were writing a song about our lead singer, Jirou,' s ex. Strings over here absolutely fucking hated the guy from the beginning and refused to write any songs about him while Purple was dating him. Purple was going into detail about the breakup and Strings was playing her guitar. Purple mentioned something about the dickwad almost hitting her. And Strings, well, strings broke three strings. She was so mad it was awesome to see everyone's damn face." Bakugou cackled, laughing with Y/n and the host as the blonde stared at his fellow band member, forgetting about the camera in the corner.

"I actually stalked the dude for a while and found out where he worked. Me and Bakugou sabotaged his shift, I yelled at him the whole time!"

The host couldn't contain their laughter as Y/n and Bakugou imitated the waiter.

"mA'aM i'M gOiNg To HaVe To AsK yOu To LeAvE."

"She got us kicked out of the damn café."


"So, are there any couples within the band?"

"No, none that I know of anyway." Y/n chuckled turning to look at Bakugou, the blonde taped his chin.

"Well, sparky and pinky dated for a week before they fucking broke up backstage."

"Oh yeah! I forgot about that!"

"Are there any other couples? Did either of you date?"

"Oh, nah, I haven't dated anyone for, I don't even remember my last partner, uh, maybe a year?" Y/n answered, though it came out as a question.

"It was two years, the bastard broke up with you two years ago." Bakugou corrected.

"Oh, thanks."

"Wait, so, Bakugou, you kept track of her last boyfriend?"

"Well, yeah, the dude broke up with her then tried to break into her damn house while I was there, so I kept track."

"Wait, He tried to break into your house? Also, what was Bakugou doing there?"

"Well, okay, so the dude broke up with me to have sex with this other chick, but then she kind of ditched him, so he came back, begged me to get back with him, I told him no, went home to practice the beat of a new song we were writing at the time, and the dude followed me, and tried to break in and kidnap me."

"Did he get arrested?!"

"Not before I beat the shit out of him." Bakugou scoffed.


"Do you guys have any crazy fans?"

"Oh yeah, there was one time we were at a Con, doing a meet and greet, and this one chic asked me and strings over here to have a fucking threesome with her."

"She got kicked out and nearly arrested because she tried to sneak backstage."

"That's crazy!"

"Yeah, we actually had a second encounter with her while we were walking back to the subway once. She chased us until someone noticed and called the cops."

"So you guys were with each other?"

"Yeah, we were out with our parents."

"Oh, well, uh, I hope you don't see her again!"

"We have a restraining order against her. We also have matching bracelets that send messages to cops if we need it." Y/n smiled, showing the host her bracelet and motioning for Bakugou to do the same.

Y/n's bracelet was orange and green like Bakugou's drumset, while Bakugou's was (f/c) and black, just like Y/n's guitar.

"These are handmade bracelets!" The host awed.

"Yeah, purple heard about the incident and forces us to wear 'em."

"You can't say that! You'll make her feel bad!"

"She knows I hate it already!"

"Doesn't make it okay!"

"Uh, guys?"

"Oh, shit."

"My bad."


"Well, back to our original question, who is the hottest in the band?"

"Wait, that was the original question?"

"Yeah, who's the best, as in looks?"

Bakugou and Y/n turned to see each other, silently communicating.

"We thought you meant who was the best player, as in instruments!"

"Oh! Whoops!"

"Plus, we all know the answer to that stupid ass question is me."



"I think you two can figure that one out on your own, until then, that's all for today!" The host finished wrapping up the interview, smiling to the two band members as they left.

"So, who's the hottest huh?"

"Oh shut it."


Bakugou stared down at his phone, confusion written all over his face. He was sat on the couch of the recording room, waiting for the others to arrive.

Y/n came up behind the couch, leaning down to see his phone, and snorting as she saw the title of the article he was reading.

'The delinquents secret guitarist drummer couple?'

"they aren't exactly wrong."

"It's probably because of that damn radio interview we did yesterday."

"Oh c'mon, it isn't that bad, at least now we don't have to tell them ourselves."



Y/n was cut off as Kamanari, Sero, Jirou, and Mina burst through the door, Kirishima trying to calm them down as they all yelled at the pair on the couch, each person saying different things.

"Woah, woah! One at a time!" Y/n mumbled to herself, Bakugou snorted, raising his hand to his lips and whistling loudly.

"There, now that you all shut up, one at a time."

"Are you two dating?!"

"Yeah no shit."


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