Bakugou - common room

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Bakugou sat quietly (for once) on the common room couch, sipping on a cup of pure black coffee, a book perched in his hand, his eyes scanning the pages lazily.

Y/n walked into the common room, making a bee-line for the kitchen. She poured her own cup of coffee, making small talk with Iida as he too entered the kitchen.

Mina, Midoriya, Uraraka and Todoroki, went and sat on the couches opposite of Bakugou, opting to avoid his morning grumpiness.

Y/n sighed in relief as she took a sip of her coffee, walking towards the couches.

"Already started without me?" She smiled sitting down next to Bakugou.

She leaned over, kissing Bakugou's temple, cuddling up to him, reading the book as well. He made no reaction, except to slightly lean into her touch, his face remaining, neutral as she rested her head on his chest. He rested his chin on the top of it, only pulling away to sip his coffee.

His classmates froze in shock.

"Was this a recent development?" Mina teased from the other couch, a large grin on her face.

"hah?" Bakugou deadpanned, his gaze lifting from the book as Y/n only kept reading.

"You know..." Midoriya, gestured to them.

"The coffee?" Bakugou asked, raising an eyebrow.

"No no, the, I- I, I don't know..." Ochaco sputtered, her head spinning.

Bakugou somewhat shrugged, going back to the book as Y/n motioned for him to turn the page.

They continued reading together, the occasional classmate staring in shock as they filtered into the common room and kitchen.

Todoroki remained neutral as well, scrolling through what seemed to be an article bashing his father.

"Todoroki-kun, are you not curious as to what is different with Y/n-san and Kachaan?" Midoriya whispered to his close friend.

"No? They do this every night before curfew?" Todoroki responded, tilting his head slightly.

"They what?" Ochaco hissed, from behind Midoriya, jumping up to look over his shoulder.

"Yeah, I always come back to get some tea before I go to bed and they're always here reading?"

"Again, what?!" Ochaco spoke, her brain tumbling from the overload of new emotions.

"They've been doing since we started to live in the dorms, how have you not noticed?" Kirishima whispered from next to Todoroki, having entered a small while ago.

Bakugou glared at his classmates as they interrupted his reading.

"Can you shut the hell up already." He hissed, Y/n rolled her eyes reaching up and turning the page for him.

Kirishima, apologized as well as Todoroki, unfazed again.

"I'm taking a picture." Mina whispered to Hagakure non-chalantly pulling her phone out. She quickly snapped a picture, smirking to herself as she saved it for blackmail later.

Y/n's phone buzzed in her pocket, she reached down, pulling it out.

"Oh, sorry I have to go, my mom wants me to go to lunch with her. Bye Bakugou!"

"Bye." He called back, watching her retreating figure walk out of the dorm doors.

"So you're just not going to tell us when you two started dating?" Kamanari prodded, walking over to Bakugou.

Bakugou's eyebrows furrowed, glancing at Todoroki and Kirishima, who only shrugged in response.

"We've been dating for the whole year? We met at the entrance exam." Bakugou answered, as if it was nothing.

"How did we miss that?" Sero hissed at himself.

Bakugou shook his head in disappointment, getting up to go to his dorm.

Y/n ran back through the door running past Bakugou to his dorm.

"I FORGOT MY BAG!" She yelled.

Bakugou rolled his eyes, a soft smile appearing on his face.

She ran past him again, coming to a harsh stop before backing up to plant a small kiss on his lips.

"Love you bye!" She spoke, waving.

"Love you too." He whispered.

Ochaco fainted, Iida catching her in a panic, asking if she was okay.

Midoriya's jaw was on the floor. Mina, Kamanari and Sero cheered for their friend and the rest of the class was all shocked in different ways. Minus Todoroki and Kirishima of course.

Bakugou pushed open his dorm room, smiling at the small note on his nightstand.

sorry I left so abruptly, promise to bring back spicy curry!

Love, your girlfriend~

He grabbed a small tac, pushing the note into his billboard. Smiling at it.

"I'm going to have to hold you to that babe."

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