1-A - Everything stays

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Everything stays - Adventure time ( play at the mark ***)

Requested by @The_softest_drink

Angst and a slight bit of fluff.


M/n = your mom's name

B/n = brother's name

Quirk: Siren

1-A quietly laughed as they walked through the mall, joking and messing around as they hung out.

Y/n was smiling wide, finally relieved of some of the stress her mother had been putting on her lately.


"Take your brother to school and do NOT be late again. I am not going to pay the daycare's late fee again." M/N Hissed at Y/n. Y/n nodded, running up the stairs to quickly pack her brother's school bag. She shoved his small snack bag in, packing his lunch as she packed him extra clothes as well. She took a deep breath lifting him out of his bed and changing him. He was dead asleep only woken up by his name.

"B/n~" Y/n cooed, poking his side as he slowly opened his eyes, giggling as he saw his sister.

She picked him up grabbing his bag as she quickly ran down the stairs and out the door, avoiding her mother so she wouldn't be cursed or yelled at.

Y/n was brought out of her flashback as she heard someone yelling towards their group.

They all turned, y/n's face dropped as she saw her mother storming.

"nononono." She whispered, approaching her mother quietly.

"What the hell are you doing!"

"I'm just out with some friends mom."

"When did I say that was okay! Huh?" The woman reached forward gripping Y/n's arm as she began to drag her away.

Todoroki and Bakugou stepped forward blocking the woman dragging their friend away.

"What the hell do you think you're doing." The woman hissed, staring at the two boys.

"We're not going to let you take out friend." Todoroki spat, Bakugou's hand crackled as his eyes narrowed.

Y/n's mom's mouth opened, flinching as the roof of the mall crashed open.

The rest was a blur. The only thing Y/n really remembered was the shock on her mothers face as the blue flames of a scarred villain covered her.

And it all came so fast.

She didn't have a mom anymore. And her brother was now her legal child.

She moved into the dorms, having previously been denied approval by her mother.

And B/n moved in with her, being taken to the day care in the mornings, being paid for by the school.

The rest of the class had gone out to the movie, leaving Y/n and her brother to stay in the dorms alone.

She walked into the kitchen, filling a glass of water as she yawned tiredly walking back to her room where her tired brother waited.

"Can you sing our special song?" He asked as she picked him up, wrapping her arms around his waist as his arms wrapped around her neck.

"The one I wrote?" She asked, smiling as he nodded into her neck. She forced her quirk to stay neutral as she sang.


"Lets go in the garden, you'll find something waiting.

right there where you left it, lying upside down.

When you finally find it, you'll see how it's faded.

The underside is lighter when you turn it around, Everything stays right where you left it.

Everything stays, but it still changes.

Ever so slightly, daily and nights, in little ways when everything stays.

Go down to the ocean, the crystal tide is raising, water's gotten higher as the shore washes out.

Keep your eyes wide open, even when the sun is blazing, the moon controls the tide, it can cause you to drown.

Everything stays right where you left it.

Everything stays but it still changes.

Ever so slightly, daily nightly, in little ways, when everything stays..." She smiled as she set her brother down on his mini bed on the other side of the room.

Turning to the door she froze as she saw her class staring at her in shock and awe.

Todoroki spoke first his mouth staying open.

"Wow." He stated simply being shushed by some of his classmates as they remembered the small boy sleeping in the room.

Y/n nervously laughed, smiling and wincing at the same time as her classmates piled into the room.

Uraraka made the first move wrapping her arms around her friend.

"We're here for you Y/n." She whispered.

Midoriya came next, blushing furiously, but still reassuring her with a smile.

Next was Todoroki, then Iida, Then Bakugou, then, Mina, then Hagakure, then Denki, then Sero, then Tokayami and soon the entire class was group hugging a sobbing Y/n.

They all froze as a small figure crawled through their legs hopping into the hug.

"Why are you crying oneesan (older sister in Japanese)." B/n whispered, hugging her legs.

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