Dabi - cottage in the woods

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***mentions of break ins, injuries, and blood ( it'll make sense later)*****
I'm sorry this is awful


Requested by @KassOmnicidalWitch

I have a major head cannon that Dabi's favorite food is burnt toast and no one can tell me otherwise

Quirk: Flame dart

Dabi made his way down the large dirt road, occasionally glancing behind him, he spotted a small cottage in the distance, turning to make his way through the trees.

He crouched near the edge of the tree line, staring at the young woman sitting on her porch. She was reading a book while also sipping on some coffee, a normal occurrence if you knew her personally.

He smiled at her, freezing when she looked straight at him.

"you know, for a mass villain, you have no stealth skills." She smiled, setting down her book.

Dabi rolled his eyes standing up as he made his way towards her.

"You caught me pretty quickly huh?"

"Well when your house gets broken into every few weeks you learn to know when people are near you." She teased, wrapping her arms around him in a hug.

"Do people really break in that much?" Dabi responded, patting her hair down as he kissed her forehead.

"Yeah, they find out I have connections with you guys, break in, try to interrogate me, I end up beating them, its kind of a whole process." She giggled as Dabi rolled his eyes, pushing open her back door as he made his way to the kitchen.

"you always eat my snacks, I don't cook for nothing you know."

"Har har, I'm hungry okay, all Toga ever makes is roasted bird.... half cooked." Both of them winced as they remembered Toga's cooking style.

Y/n walked around the counter, shuffling through her cabinets pulling out bread from it.

She turned the toaster to six, rolling her eyes as Dabi reached over her shoulder turning it to seven. Dabi smirked ruffling her hair as he opened her fridge to pull out some other foods.

She flinched as the toast popped out of the toaster, turning as Dabi raised an eyebrow. She shrugged, picking up all of the food and trudging over to the couch.

She sat down picking up the remote as she scrolled through movies. Dabi sat down next to her, shifting so she could lean against his much taller frame.

She winced as his arm slipped around her waist, she tried to play it off, tensing up as Dabi's hand brushed up against the spot again.

"Okay I'm not stupid what the hell is wrong."

"Nothing! Just, uh.... sore!"

"Okay, now give me an answer that's true."

"Uh... do I have to?"


"Okay... um, last time someone broke in, they caught me off gaurd, they had a pretty powerful quirk and managed to attack me before I could fight back." She lifted her shirt showing him a rather large scab on her stomach.

"I managed to drag myself to the hospital, but I never got to fully heal since I had to leave before they could send me off to jail or wherever the hell us villains go."

"Are you fucking kidding me."


"You didn't bother to tell me!?" He yelled standing up as he paced the room.

Y/n tried to stand up too quickly nearly falling as her ankle gave out.

Dabi quickly caught her watching as she struggled to get her breathing back to normal.

She forced herself to her feet, smiling as she forced herself to ignore the pain.

"No, lay down, how long has it been?"

"Eight days at the least.."

"Fuck, we could have helped you Y/n!"

"I know, I just, ugh, I didn't want to bother you."

"How did you not notice!?"

"They snuck in from the chimney."

"I-, I don't, are you injured anywhere else?"

"Oh, uh, well, I may or may not have fractured my ankle bruised my calf bone slightly tore a muscle in my arm, broke my thumb and I also broke my nose, but those are healed now, it's just my stomach." She nervously laughed. Dabi took a deep breath, biting the inside of his cheeks as he hand twitched, he pointed his hand at her fireplace, immediately lighting it on fire as his rage exited his body.

"We need find a way to keep that from happening."

"I don't know, I don't have a clue."

"What if...."


"What if I stayed too."

"You're kidding right? Shigaraki woudl kill you! Literally!"

"I know it sounds crazy, but the league has no idea where you live, I've never told them,  and they're not smart enough to figure it out."

"Dabi that's crazy-"

"Please. You can't keep getting hurt, remember last time! You nearly DIED if I hadn't shown up in time!"

"Fine... but if your gang figures it out you're paying for the hotel."

"As long as you're still safe."

"God- Shōtō is going to MURDER me when he finds out I live with you."

"He doesn't know does he?"


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