Shouta Aizawa- Nightmare

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A/N: I woke up after a really bad nightmare and needed some fluff soooo. Also this was before the dorms. You are also a teacher at U.A.  Also if you didn't know Present Mic's real name is Hazashi Yamada 

(Y/N) had never been the person to have "nightmares" but tonight, was an exception.

First person POV:

I sat upright in my bed, my breathing heavy, shoulders tense and a terrible memory in my head. I shuddered, trying to forget the thoughts of what had happened In that dream. I just needed someone.

'Shouta' was the very first name that popped into my head. The two of us had gotten close after I started working at U.A. a year ago. He was always there for me when I needed him and I was really appreciative of that.

I slipped into a pair of leggings and grabbed my phone and keys. I put them in my backpack along with an extra set of clothes for the morning. I would probably end up sleeping there, so I grabbed a few more things for the morning too.

I stepped out of my apartment and locked the door. Dang, its 2:00 AM. Hope I didn't wake my neighbors. I started to walk down the hall towards the elevator. I got in and pressed the third floor. Shouta lived under me and I was really grateful because it was the same distance and easy to get to.

I knocked on his door in our special pattern.




knock knock

 I could hear shuffling on the inside and the door opened to reveal a very disheveled Shouta Aizawa. I almost laughed but I could barely see from the tears clouding my eyes. He seemed to wake up upon seeing my face. His eyebrows furrowed in worry.

"H-Hey." I spoke my voice raspy and wavering from the lack of sleep.

"Hey, what happened?" Shouta said as he stepped aside to let me in. I sat on his couch and brought my knees up to my chest resting my head on top of them and wrapping my arms around my knees. He sat down next to me and gently pulled my arm towards him taking my hand in his.

I let my knees go and wiped the tears off of my eyes. 

"You have to tell me or I can't help you (Y/N)." He chuckled. I smiled. He always managed to make me smile despite how rude or mean he may seem. I wrapped my arms around him and rested my head on his chest. 

"I had a really bad nightmare." I whispered. He frowned. 

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asked gently. I sighed.

"No. I don't know honestly, maybe in the morning." I responded

Shouta nodded in understanding and helped me take off my backpack. He stood up and walked into the kitchen. I groggily followed. He was used to waking up early and staying up late because he was a pro hero at night. I wasn't. I worked immediately after school hours.

Shouta pulled two mugs down from the top cabinet and handed me one. He popped a package into his Keurig and put the mug he was holding under it. He put hot water in a kettle and put that on the oven too. When his coffee and the water was done, he poured the water into the mug I was holding and handed me a tea bag. I mumbled a 'thank you' and sat down on the counter.

He leaned against the counter across from my knees and sipped on his coffee.  I finished my tea and sat back down on the couch again. Shouta popped a movie into his Blu-ray player and settled down beside me. 

Aizawa's POV:

After I had plopped down next to (Y/N) she relaxed.  Her head rested on my shoulder and I wrapped an arm around her. She seemed so peaceful and enjoyed the movie.

About half way through the movie (Y/N) fell asleep. I paused the movie and turned the TV off. I carefully moved her head so she was leaning against the couch and picked her up. He head rested on my shoulder once again and her legs instinctively wrapped around my torso. I chuckled. 

I carried her into my bedroom and set her down on the bed. She curled into a little ball as I wrapped more and more blankets around her to keep her warm. At some point (Y/N) grabbed my hand and refused to let go. At first I was scared she was having another nightmare, but she relaxed when my cat jumped onto the bed and curled up next to her.

I tried to get her to let go of me but, dang, she has an iron grip.  I sat down on the bed next to her and gently pet her hair. She wrapped her arms around me, again, and nuzzled her cheek against my side. My cat rested in my lap and nudged against (Y/N) every so often. (Y/N) smiled in her sleep and softly snored.

No one's POV:

(Y/N) and Aizawa fell asleep together and In the morning they stayed like that.  Yamada came over at noon to hang out with them and they had a pretty great day. And now when ever (Y/N) has a nightmare. She knows where to go.

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