Immortals pt.2

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Takes place the day of the USJ attack

I sit up in my bed, groaning. Today I had to go with Floating Bandaids (aizawa) to the Unforseen Simulation Joint while his students train in the arts of rescuing people. I was not ready to deal with any kids right now, so I screamed into my pillow like a normal person.

Yep, normal indeed.

--- magical time skip ---

Im sitting in my office, sipping on my f/d when I see the swarm of media reporters beyond the gates. Narrowing my eyes in annoyance, watching with satisfaction as the gate shuts them out from the school.

Due to all my years of living, I learned that the media can be beyond troublesome. They don't usually spit straight facts, and that is beyond aggravating to me.

I return my attention to my mug of f/d, sipping on it nonchalantly. Patting some papers down, I lean back in my chair. Magic Bandaids said that he was having his class pick a representative, which would be interesting.

Personally, I thought that engine legs would make a good rep. He seemed to have a stick up his butt, but he is the classic school president kind of guy. He acts like a model student.

An alarm goes off, and I spill my drink. Cursing loudly, I get up and begin to rush forwards to the student packed hallways. I see Turbo legs float up and calm down the students.

"We are U.A students. We need to remain calm and prove that we are the best of the best!" I smile a bit, watching as all the students pay attention to him. Again, he seemed to be a model student.

Everyone slowly calmed down and filed back into their classes. I walk into 1-A as Bandaid Man begins to talk about the Usj field trip.

"You'll have four instructors. Me, Immoriam, Allmight, and another faculty member will be keeping tabs on you."

"Sir! What kind of training is this?" The Tape Kid asks. I cross my arms, sighing a bit.

"Rescue." He states blandly.

"You'll be dealing with natural disasters shipwrecks, stuff like that." I cut in, watching as the whole class begins to melt into chatter.

"Guys we're not finished yet. What you wear in this exercise is up to you. I know your excited about costumes but keep in mind that your not used to them yet and they might limit your abilities."

"This special framing is at an off campus facility so we'll be taking a bus to get there" I cut in one again, smirking at Bandaid man's annoyed face.

--- time skip once Again---

I sit up with Aizawa in the front of the bus, listening to the kids mindlessly chatter. I cross my arms.

"So what do you think of them so far? I noticed that none of them have been expelled Bandaids."

He groans at the nickname, and was about to speak before being cut off by the students yelling.

"Hey hey were here. Stop messing around."

We all get off the bus and are greeted by thirteen the pro hero. They start to talk all about their quirk and its destructive nature. I roll my eyes and tune them out. Can't relate.

Then, a swirling black mist appears. I tense up, growling. Villans.

Well shit.

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