Todoroki-Band AU-Exception

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(Y/N) had never been the type of person to show off her talents. Only the best people in her class could sing. When she applied for U.A. she had only written down that she could play the drums and bass. She never thought to write down that she could sing. Bakugou, Uraraka, Midoriya and Todoroki were the only few who were able to sing in her class, Momo, Jiro and Ashido were back up vocals but played instruments on the side. She didn't know what would happen If she applied for a singing role during one of her schools performances.

(Y/N) never thought when she was singing to herself in one of the practice rooms while she tuning her base, Todoroki would hear her from the practice room next to her. Turns out, she had forgotten to close the divider window and Todoroki had heard the entire thing. She only stopped when Todoroki entered her practice room with her.

"You're really good y'know." He stated. She looked up at him her eyes wide and demeanor defensive. She recognized him immediately, after all, who could forget the beautiful blue and red eyes and two toned hair that belonged to this greatly talented boy.  She relaxed a bit seeing as how he was one of the only people who was very quiet in her class.

"Hello?" He waved a hand in front of  her face. 

"Oh, Sorry! I  got lost in thought." She apologized. He smiled softly and sat on the ground next to her.

"You, should really write a song, you could totally pull it off and perform in front of the teachers." (Y/N) sat in thought for a second or two.

'could that really work?'

Second person POV:

After that, Todoroki and you met up after school everyday, to write and practice the song you had decided to write together. You were nervous and flustered at first but eventually warmed up to Todoroki, and started to feel more comfortable around him. Todoroki was going to be on the guitar because he was just full of surprises.

 When you guys finally finished the song, you both waited until a week before the schools next performance to perform in front of the teachers. The teachers agreed that they could perform at the next show, on one condition.

No body else could know. It could compromise the show, and release the song before it could be copyrighted. Todoroki and you agreed and continued practicing till show day.

As the day approached you became more and more nervous. When it was finally the day you were shaking and could barely keep your legs from turning into jelly. You hand gripped your nicely curled hair as you stared intensely  down at your ripped jeans. Todoroki could see your panicked face a heaving breaths and rushed over. He knew what a panic attack was like and he did not want you to experience it.  He gently grabbed your hands and pulled them away from your hair, you slowly looked up at him to see him softly smiling at you. 

"Hey, hey, listen to my voice. Think of somewhere you love to be, okay?"

You nodded and began to think back to your times with this boy in the practice rooms. Laughing smiling and just being there for each other. Your breathing began to slow down and you were eventually able to let go of your death grip on his hands. 

He smiled a bit wider and gently pulled you  into a hug. In actuality he had never been this close to you before. The closest he had been to you, was pulling you through a crowd of student by the hand. You were still a bit surprised but returned the gesture by instinct.  On the outside you were calm and smiling gently but on the inside...

You basically couldn't breath. You had had a crush on Todoroki since a little after you guys started to write the song together. So this was very welcomed but, oh so surprising.

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